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发布时间:2023-06-25 21:11:30

A. ids是什么意思

入侵检测系统(intrusion detection system,简称“IDS”)是一种对网络传输进行即时监视,在发现可疑传输时发出警报或者采取主动反应措施的网络安全设备。它与其他网络安全设备的不同之处便在于,IDS是一种积极主动的安全防护技术。

IDS最早出现在1980年4月。 1980年代中期,IDS逐渐发展成为入侵检测专家系统(IDES)。 1990年,IDS分化为基于网络的IDS和基于主机的IDS。后又出现分布式IDS。IDS发展迅速,已有人宣称IDS可以完全取代防火墙。

B. 请教一下与网络安全相关的名词翻译

main parameters
concurrent connections
network throughput
security fitering bandwidth
network part
fast ethernet port
extension plug
users limit
control port
general parameters
applicable environmental
storage temperature
store humidity
the condensation
firewall version without unlimited users
port fast ethernt swithes
staleless primary /standby high arailability

C. 网络安全英语怎么



]network security


cyber security


系统网络安全协会 SANS Institute

通信和网络安全 Telecommunications and Network Security

网络安全产品 network safety procts


1. At last It'summarizes and expects E - Government network security system.

最后对 电子政务 网络安全进行 总结 和展望.

2. The first chapter summarize the network, networked instruments and network switch.


3. Other problems related to intranet security are also discussed.


4. A firewall acts like a virtual security guard for your network.


5. Rep: " It was a six - page letter on internet security. "

销售人员: “ 是一封关于网络安全的6页长的信. ”

6. An emergency response system is designed and its work mechanism is analyzed.


7. Lastly, elementary fulfillment of NSMS also explained this essay.

最后, 本文给出了网络安全监控系统的初步实现.

8. Other activities which harm the network are also prohibited.


9. Its procts cover anti - virus , network security and hacker protection.

其产品覆盖 反病毒, 网络安全和黑客防卫.

10. The network security includes firewall, intrusion detection and hole scanning etc.

网络安全技术有:防火墙 、 入侵检测和漏洞扫描等.

11. But when we rejoice about it's expediency, the network security come closely.

然而就在人们为之欣喜的同时, 网络安全问题接踵而至.

12. Email filter is a very important subject in network security.


13. The technique of Sniffer Discovery is a hard problem in network security.


14. Data encryption is one of the key technologies in network security.


15. Introcing Intranet security resolvent's goal, principia, constitutes and keystone.

提出网络安全设计的目标 、 原则 、 组成部分及侧重点.

D. 网络安全工程师的英文缩写是什么

英文全称:Network Security Manages Engineer

E. 网络安全英文摘要谁能帮我翻译一下

Network security is the network hardware, software and system data to be protected, not because of accidental or malicious reasons, suffered damage, alteration, disclosure, the system for normal operation and reliable, network services are not interrupted. Network security is the essence of their network information security. In the broad sense, all related to the network of information confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity and controllability of the related technology and theory are the network security research field. Network security is the one involved in computer science, network technology, communications technology, cryptography, information security technology, applied mathematics, number theory, information theory, such as the integrated multi-disciplinary subjects.
Network security as the specific meaning of "perspective" and change. For example: From the users (indivials, businesses, etc.) point of view, they want to involve the interests of personal privacy or commercial information transmission on the network by the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity protection, to avoid other people or against the use of wire-tapping, impersonation, tampering, repudiation, such as a means of violating the interests of users and privacy.
Key words:
Network security analysis,
Network encryption,
Information collection,
Internet Firewall

F. 网络安全的中文翻译成英文

The security of network



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