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发布时间:2022-08-19 06:56:29

A. 所以我们要维护网络安全文明上网用英语翻译

So we should protect the network from danger and be civilized online

B. 关于网络安全 防火墙的外文翻译 200分


The purpose of a network firewall is to provide a shell around the network which will protect the systems connected to the network from various threats. The types of threats a firewall can protect against include:
● Unauthorized access to network resources—an intruder may break into a host on the network and gain unauthorized access to files.
● Denial of service—an indivial from outside of the network could, for example, send thousands of mail messages to a host on the net in an attempt to fill available disk space or load the network links.
● Masquerading—electronic mail appearing to have originated from one indivial could have been forged by another with the intent to embarrass or cause harm.
A firewall can rece risks to network systems by filtering out inherently insecure network services. Network File System (NFS) services, for example, could be prevented from being used from outside of a network by blocking all NFS traffic to or from the network. This protects the indivial hosts while still allowing the service, which is useful in a LAN environment, on the internal network. One way to avoid the problems associated with network computing would be to completely disconnect an organization’s internal network from any other external system. This, of course, is not the preferred method. Instead what is needed is a way to filter access to the network while still allowing users access to the “outside world”.
In this configuration, the internal network is separated from external networks by a firewall gateway. A gateway is normally used to perform relay services between two networks. In the case of a firewall gateway, it also provides a filtering service which limits the types of information that can be passed to or from hosts located on the internal network. There are three basic techniques used for firewalls: packet filtering, circuit gateway, and application gateways. Often, more than one of these is used to provide the complete firewall service.
There are several configuration schemes of firewall in the practical application of inter-network security. They usually use the following terminologies:
● Screening router—it can be a commercial router or a host—based router with some kind of packet filtering capability.
● Bastion host—it is a system identified by the firewall administrator as a critical strong point in the network security.
● Dual—homed gateway—some firewalls are implemented without a screening router, by placing a system on both the private network and the Internet, and disabling TCP/IP forwarding.
● Screened�host gateway—it is possibly the most common firewall configuration. This is implemented using a screening router and a bastion host.
● Screened subnet—an isolated subnet is situated between the Internet and the private network. Typically, this network is isolated using screening routers, which may implement varying levels of filtering.
● Application—level gateway—it is also called a proxy gateway and usually operates at a user level rather than the lower protocol level common to the other firewall techniques.

C. 求翻译~英文摘要~关于网络信息安全的

Since twentieth Century, the rapid development of computer technology, especially the rapid development of Internet technology, has put the whole world even as a whole, so that the social development is inseparable from the information network. It constantly changing economic, social, cultural structure and operation mode, and the transmission of information relating to financial, science ecation, military and other fields, in to the people and the country brings convenient, efficient information sharing at the same time, but also to the security of network information has brought many problems. In today's international competitive situation, the network information security is more and more attention from all over the world. This article from the network information security problems and characteristics, the main techniques of network security, common network attack methods and countermeasures, the construction of network security and other aspects of the present stage of our country network information security problems and restricting factors and how from technology and management and other aspects the construction has the Chinese characteristic information security comprehensive security system, ensure our country network information security.
Key word
The network information security of network attack network ethics network security comprehensive security system

D. 最安全的译为英语是什么


E. 高分啊~!急! 关于网络安全的英文翻译


接口(见图1). 每一层取决于它下面一层所提供的服务,一直延伸到物理网络硬件,如计算机的网卡、以及



谈,我们需要一个类似电话的装置.(在ISO/OSI模型,这位于应用层). 电话,只有在它们能把声音转换成电

子脉冲听通过线路来回传送时才有用.(这种功能是由应用层以下提供). 最后,我们着手物质的连接:两者














F. 网络安全法实施用英文怎么

上有政策,下有对策.《网络安全法》实施确实给游戏工作室带来了一定的压力. 如果全手动的话,1:利润降低,2:好员工很难找到.所以还是要辅助的.问题不大,放心的进行你的事业吧.

G. 请教下网络安全用英文怎么翻译

Network Security

H. 用英文,“中国网警”用英语怎么说

正确说法: China's cyber cops

I. 谁帮我翻译一下网络安全的专业英语成中文的,在此先谢谢了。

1.BitLocker 的作用 a.prevent 在借由结合两主要的数据-保护的程序 b 遗失或偷计算机之上的未经认可的接触数据。编加密码整个的窗口作业系统在硬盘 c 上的体积。查证正直早的长靴成份和长靴结构数据 2.窗口 2003 伺候器中,每个人组的变化 1>.不再有完全的控制一。预先设定地,这每个人小组只有读而且运行在每驾驶 b 的根方面的许可。这些许可不是被次文件夹遗传的;这每个人小组有没有许可预先设定地对一个崭新产生的文件夹或文件 2>.不再包括作者不详的使用者仅仅包括使用者和客人 3>.帐户用无效力的密码是控制台-范围 3.窗口 2003 伺候器中, EFS 的变化 EFS 新特征 (在窗口伺候器 2003 和 Windows XP 专业版)一。另外使用者能被授权存取密码化的文件 b 。证书能为废止状态被检查当编加密码文件被分享。(只有当一个使用者被增加一个密码化的文件时,废止被检查) c。脱机文件可能是密码化的 d 。先进的密码技术标准 (AES)和 DES(3D立体)密码技术运算法则是被支援的 e。假设值是 AES-256-一点点的密码技术 f 。密码化的文件使用 WebDav g 能在网络文件夹被储存。EFS 能被窗口伺候器 2003 用聚集 h。文件恢复政策能与较棒的柔性 4 一起配置。PSSU 的作用 1>.后装备安全更新是一个出现一位管理人在新伺候器之上伐木而且为你提供联编的第一次,应用更新到你的伺候器而且配置自动的更新 2 的使用者接口>.后装备安全更新被设计帮助使一个新伺候器安装免于伺候器首先从窗口更新 5 被连接到最近的安全更新的网络和申请的时间之间的传染的危险。什么是 DEP,作用,如何实现 1>.DEP 是一系列硬件,而且运行在记忆上的另外检查帮助保护对抗怀恶意的密码的软件技术开发 2>.硬件运行的 DEP 在一个程序中为所有记忆位置作标记如非可运行的,除非位置明确地包含可运行的密码



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