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发布时间:2023-07-11 05:06:21


网络营销就是以互联网为主要手段开展的营销活动。英文名称有几种叫法。On-line Marketing、E-Marketing、Internet Marketing

⑵ 网络营销用英语怎么

network marketing
cyber marketing

⑶ 电子商务的英文,网络营销的英文,网络业务的英文

电子商务,英文是Electronic Commerce,简称EC
网络营销,英文:Network Marketing
网络业务,英文:Network Business

⑷ 网络营销英文

Network Marketing。





什么是internet marketing英文的最好

Internet Marketing,“网络营销”可以参考下内容:)~~
Internet marketing team has always taken pride in using up-to-date, competitive, and ethical search engine marketing strategies that really get results for on-line business. Our unique understanding of the inner workings of the web and the strategy required to compete successfully can make your web site a winner.

If your web site is not getting the traffic and making the sales you had hoped,internet marketing services will help make your site a success. Everyday we help web sites, just like yours, successfully compete on the Internet.
Competing successfully on the internet requires strategy. Since each business, market, and web site is unique, each requires it's own strategic marketing plan.

SEO is the foundation of our Internet Marketing services. The search engines base their rankings on many factors. There are some things they like a lot, and some things they don't tolerate.

Internet Marketing,直译为“网络营销”。它有广义和狭义两种定义。
广义上,Internet Marketing指企业利用互联网为满足用户需求,实现企业目标而提供产品或服务的一系列经营活动过程。它包括市场调研、产品的目标市场选择、产品设计、产品开发、营销组合策略的制定、产品销售、售后服务、用户意见反馈、效果评估、策略调整等一系列与市场有关的企业经营活动。英文的定义为:(also known as online marketing) the use of the Internet to disseminate information, communicate with the marketplace, advertise, promote, sell and/or distribute procts or services.

狭义上,Internet Marketing被理解成网站推广,是等同于Web Promotion或Site Promotion的一种推广行为。英文的定义为:Methods of using the Internet to promote procts and services, includes site optimization, banner ads and pay-per-click.

Internet Marketing在广义上是战略,在狭义上是战术。
目前网上普遍提到的“网络营销”大都指的是狭义上的网站推广,为了区别于狭义的定义,今后我将用“网络市场营销”这个词来表示Internet Marketing广义的意思。

⑹ 电子商务(E-commerce)和网络营销(E-Marketing)的定义用英文怎么讲

英文的:E-commerce is usually refers to in the world is widely in commercial and trading activities, on the Internet, open network environment, based on the browser/server application modes, both parties, not all business activities to truth, to realize the online shopping, consumer entered into between online trading and on-line electronic payment and various business activities, trading activities, financial activities and related comprehensive service activities, a new type of business operation mode.
网络营销:网络营销(On-line Marketing或E-Marketing)就是以国际互联网络为基础,利用数字化的信息和网络媒体的交互性来辅助营销目标实现的一种新型的市场营销方式。简单的说,网络营销就是以互联网为主要手段进行的,为达到一定营销目的的营销活动。
The network Marketing (Marketing or E line On - with international Marketing) is - based On Internet, using digital information and network media interactive to assist Marketing objectives of a new Marketing mode. Say simply, network marketing is with the Internet as the main means to achieve certain of the marketing target marketing campaign.

⑺ 网络营销英文怎么翻译

network marketing或者cyber marketing 很简单的!!!

⑻ 网络营销用英文怎么翻译

Website sales

⑼ 网络营销的英文怎么说

网络营销network marketing

Long-term since, our company has been committed to the development of the market and the marketing network construction.



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