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发布时间:2022-01-09 06:03:55

Ⅰ 急!!!跪求网络营销类外文+翻译,网络营销类外文+翻译,老大们谁有资源帮帮忙




商城,谓之城,自然城中会有许多店,是的,综合商城就如我们平时进入天河城、 正佳 、新大新 等现实生活中的大商城一样。商城一楼可能是一级品牌,然后二楼是女士服饰,三楼男士服饰,四楼运动/装饰,五楼手机数码,六楼特价…… 将N个品牌专卖店装进去,这就是商城。而后面的 淘宝商城 也自然是这个形式,跟传统无异,它有庞大的购物群体,有稳定的网站平台,有完备的支付体系,诚信安全体系(尽管目前仍然有很多不足),促进了卖家进驻卖东西,买家进去买东西。如同传统商城一样,淘宝自己是不卖东西的,是提供了完备的销售配套。

垂直商店,存在于互联网上有多少有呢?这取决于市场的细分。设定细分的种类是X的话,那就是X的三到五倍,因为每一个领域,总有三五家在那里竞争着,尽管互联网大家都说没有老二,但也其实不然,尽管老二活得很辛苦,也是卧薪尝胆,坚挺地活着。 而也正因为有了良好的竞争格局,而促进了服务完善。
代表:数码家电类:中国巨蛋 女装内衣类:麦考林 婴儿用品类:红孩子

越多的传统品牌商加入电商战场,以 抢占新市场,拓充新渠道,优化产品与渠道资源为目标,一波大肆进军的势头蠢蠢欲动。
代表:佐丹奴 百丽
服务型的网店越来越多,都是为了满足人们不同的个性需求,甚至 是帮你排队买电影票,都有人交易,很期待见到更多的服务形式的网店。
比如导购类型的网站是使购物的趣味性、便捷性大大增加 同时诸多购物网站都推出了购物返现,少部分推出了联合购物返现 这些都用来满足大部分消费者的需求,许多消费者以不单单满足直接进入b2c网站购物了。购物前都会通过一些网购导购网站。
Business-to-consumer (B2C, sometimes also called Business-to-Customer) describes activities of businesses serving end consumers with procts and/or services.
An example of a B2C transaction would be a person buying a pair of shoes from a retailer. The transactions that led to the shoes being available for purchase, that is the purchase of the leather, laces, rubber, etc. as well as the sale of the shoe from the shoemaker to the retailer would be considered (B2B) transactions.
[edit]Types of B2C

While the term e-commerce refers to all online transactions, B2C stands for "business-to-consumer" and applies to any business or organization that sells its procts or services to consumers over the Internet for its own use. When most people think of B2C e-commerce, they think of Amazon, the online bookseller that launched its site in 1995 and quickly took on the nation's major retailers. In addition to online retailers, B2C has grown to include services such as online banking, travel services, online auctions, health information and real estate sites. Peer-to-peer sites such as Craigslist also fall under the B2C category.
B2C e-commerce went through some tough times, particularly after the technology-heavy Nasdaq crumbled in 2000. In the ensuing dotcom carnage, hundreds of e-commerce sites shut their virtual doors and some experts predicted years of struggle for online retail ventures. Since then, however, shoppers have continued to flock to the web in increasing numbers. In fact, North American consumers adopted e-commerce so much that despite growing fears about identity theft, they spent $172 billion shopping online in 2005, up from $38.8 billion in 2000.
By 2010, consumers are expected to spend $329 billion each year online, according to Forrester Research. What’s more, the percentage of U.S. households shopping online is expected to grow from 39 percent this year to 48 percent in 2010.
[edit]Unique attributes

Negotiation: Selling to another business involves haggling over prices, delivery and proct specifications. Not so with most consumer sales. That makes it easier for retailers to put a catalog online, and it's why the first B2B applications were for buying finished goods or commodities that are simple to describe and price.
Integration: Retailers don't have to integrate with their customers' systems. Companies selling to other businesses, however, need to make sure they can communicate without human intervention. But Buisnesses Should Not Be Mean To The Consumer

Ⅱ 网络营销方面的翻译!

Amazon excellence as the world's largest retailer of Chinese books, the Chinese one of the largest online mall, make unremitting efforts to focus on the customer experience, providing customers with low prices, convenience, there is a wide range of choices of procts, customer demand for primary work with a full range of services. According to customer needs at different stages, to take a variety of network marketing, such as search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), site specific banner ads, e-mail marketing, viral marketing online marketing technology to enhance marketing efficiency, the establishment of marketing functions, and more use of Internet marketing the conversion of the marketing strategy and improve the corporate marketing model, driven the rapid development of enterprises to become successful B2C e-commerce operators, as well as high-quality resources, logistics, after-sales service conditions, and further to become the representative of the Chinese e-commerce shopping websites, highlights the network marketing companies in e-commerce play an important role.
Excellence Model of the Amazon network marketing from the consumer e-commerce trends and changes in psychological characteristics and constraints at the present stage of development of consumer marketing analysis of psychological factors to explore the face of a modern enterprise network specific psychological consumers in order to break through the traditional business way of thinking, inherent in the reform of marketing strategy, marketing approach for enterprises to build a new operation mechanism.

Key words: Internet Marketing e-commerce customer experience

Ⅲ 有没有关于网络营销的外文翻译给我发一下急用谢谢!


Ⅳ 网络营销英文怎么翻译

network marketing或者cyber marketing 很简单的!!!

Ⅳ 网络营销的英文怎么说

网络营销network marketing

Long-term since, our company has been committed to the development of the market and the marketing network construction.

Ⅵ 网络营销用英语怎么说

network marketing
cyber marketing

Ⅶ 电子商务的英文,网络营销的英文,网络业务的英文

电子商务,英文是Electronic Commerce,简称EC
网络营销,英文:Network Marketing
网络业务,英文:Network Business

Ⅷ 翻译成英文:当前网络营销中的客户信息管理

Traditional marketing has gone through tremendous changes under internet era.

It has lead to the creation and development of customer-focused service type of marketing.

Regarding the inablity of processing customers information by the current network providers, I've suggested implementation strategy to manage customers' information; and have explained it in details in my taobao's online shop.

Ⅸ 急求一份关于网络营销的英文文献及翻译


《Integrated internet marketing》RT Watson,2000

《Marketing to postmodern consumers introcing the internet chameleon》G Simmons , 2008

《Marketing on the Internet- who can benefit from an online marketing approach》MY Kiang, 2000


Ⅹ 网络营销用英文怎么翻译

Website sales



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