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发布时间:2022-03-05 15:36:35

㈠ 英语作文 Internet and moiblephone

第一段说的是 以前的中国人都习惯使用现金
PS: 文章中的E-pay (移动支付)把手机和网络完整的结合了起来。描写E-pay就是在写Internet and mobilephone
One decade ago, ordinary citizens in China abided with traditional method for merchandise, that we used to paying cash for purchasing goods, especally in retail section. I remember that the joy that I had received 100yuan at cash as a new year blessing from my parents in the new year festival, when I was 10 years old.

However, I have astonishingly discovered that either my parents for whom they haven't taken along their wallets for ages, or my school classmates who only have been using E-pay software which is downloaded in their smartphone for every stationary goods they have bought. Ordinary persons , adolescents in particular, favour electronic payment implated in mobile phones because there are a large amount of dicount vouchers in E-pay software that these teenagers can use to remedy their purchase. It is a sort of big help for juveniles for whom our shoping have to rely on parents to some extent.

On the high streets, there are a rare number of stores that refuse E-pay instead of taking cash only and some extreme shops even reject any cash from customers and only accept E-payment.

Based on thses phenomena newly happening in China, I would embrace the common view that Electronic (online) payment which is operated in smartphones will contiune to serve our society positively.

㈡ 求英语作文、内容的要求要求你在电视、手机和网络三者中、放弃其中一个并陈述理由。

I have to say TV. Simply because I don't really spend my time watching . I can still know what's going on by surfing on the internet.

㈢ 【初三英语作文】 李华是你的同学,但他沉迷于手机和网络游戏,影响了学习。你打算怎么帮他请你写一封

Hallo Linda, I am sorry to learn that you are having such a bad time.I've received your letter/message. It seems that you are a bit worried about your study and living in China. I do understand all of these happens to you.



㈣ 英语作文:手机或网络的利与弊 Summar

the pros and cons of the internet
internet is now a huge part of our life. we need internet for almost everything. for example doing our homework, we can research on ..网络不让我写抄100字

㈤ 网络或手机的优点(英文作文80字左右)

Everything lives with opposite forces.
The same can be said about modern technology, such as Internet.
At first glance Internet offers us excitement and a worl of promise. Frankly speaking, people who have some ideas of it can not deny the merits born with the system. For instance,it can improve proficiency in scientific research, for by means of it scientists and researchers can get a global look at the latest development in the field concerned and accordingly they need spend no time doing what has already been done. In view of personal communication, the most convenient means could be peculiar to Internet, too.




㈥ 关于智能手机的英语作文





Smartphones refers to as a personal computer, have an independent operating system, can install software by the users themselves, third party service providers such as game program, and can through the mobile communication network to realize the wireless Internet access the floorboard of the kind of mobile phone.

Smartphone is hand-held computers, evolved from the traditional mobile phone and personal computer science combined with sublimation, but it is obvious advantages compared with traditional cell phones.

Smart phones bring a lot of convenience to our life. It can be as Internet shopping and computer.

A smartphone is a proct of the development of science and technology, the development of science and technology makes our life more and more beautiful, also let us to the new life is full of hope. Science and technology developed, we learn drive more enough. At the same time as the future of our motherland, we must redouble our efforts, study hard, to build our beautiful home, ready to lead the life with wisdom and let beauty etched in our home.

㈦ 求一篇关于沉溺于手机网络的英语作文!考研用的!

In today's society, the Internet has made its way into almost every home. It is a well-known fact that the web is a valuable asset for research and learning. Unfortunately, it can also be a very dangerous place for teens.
It’s clear that, for teenagers, spending too much time online can really deter social and ecational development. The Internet world is such that there is always something new to do and to distract one from one’s responsibilities. There is nothing wrong with using the Internet as a tool for research, news, and even entertainment. After all, the World Wide Web is the world’s most accurate, up to date resource for almost any type of information. But it grows increasingly easier to develop a dependency on it. This is especially true for teens- a group that tends to be susceptible to flashy graphics. In a sense, the Internet is the new video game or TV show. Although they may have good intentions, they might be at risk of coming across something inappropriate and even dangerous.
To solve the problem, we should start by limiting the amount of time they spend online. If he or she is accustomed to spending eight hours per weeknight on the Internet, try limiting use in the first week to six hours per night and working steadily down. Encourage them to go to social events. And with love and attention from parents, teens can and will learn to disengage – even if it takes some time.

㈧ 英语作文手机网络电视选一个

噢 对了 目前我在学的ABC天卞英语的导师和我提到 事实上想征服英语应该是不费力地!坚持需要个适宜的研习空间跟练习口语对象 外教水平很重要 口语标准才是最好 坚持每天口语交流 1 on 1个性化学习才可以有非常.好.的学习成效;课后需要回放复习课堂音频,来进一步深化知识!若真的是没有人可以指导的状况下,最好能到旺旺或大耳朵取得课后材料研习 多说多练短时间英语水平会提高起来 学习效果是绝对最佳的~.Isitnecessary?Wehadabigdiscussion.mily..Butmostteacherstnkdifferently..Firstly,studentsaresoyoungthattheydon’thaveself-control.Secondly,,thatwillinfluencetheirstudy.Trdly,.Inmyopinion,studentsshouldn’..

㈨ 关于网络的英语作文

The note work is one of the our life's ,The note work is influence is two-sided ,It has both good and bad,The network to people's life or job especially students life brings a lot of convenience
People can search in the network all they want ,nformation,news,.....but it also is bad ,it can be bad for you .Playing computer games can make the person wallow in ,Affect thereby learning .
every bady ,Let us take advantage of network, a network host .
初三英语水品(中等)借鉴一下吧。。。 对你因该有帮助。。。O(∩_∩)O~



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