导航:首页 > 手机网络 > 通常出现在手机和大多网络里英语


发布时间:2022-12-30 01:25:46

❶ 英语翻译:伴随着无线网络的普及,手机成了人们接入互联网的重要工具。 不要机器翻译的

Smartphones are playing primary role in connection of internet, growing with the popularity of wireless network. 纯手打,请采纳。

❷ 但是有很多青少年长期沉迷于手机里的网络游戏,用英语怎么说。

But there are many teenagers addicted to mobile phone network game for a long time

❸ 用英语翻译“随着世界的发展,手机变得越来越普遍,人们的生活也越来越离不开手机”

As the world's technology advances, mobile
phone has become more and more popular.

People today has becoming more and more
dependent on mobile phones.


❹ 随着互联网技术的发展和手机的普及用英语怎么说

随着科技术发展 With the development of science and technology 例句 随着科技术发展征服自能力越越强 In the wake of developments in science and technology, man has become more capable of conquering nature

❺ 随着互联网技术的发展和手机的普及用英语怎么说啊

意思是With the development of Internet technology and the popularity of the mobile phones



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