Ⅰ 區域網ip設置問題,本地連接狀態「已連接上」,就是上不了網,怎麼辦
ADSL掉線涉及到多方面的問題,包括線路故障(線路干擾)、ADSL Modem故障(發熱、質量、兼容性)、網卡故障(速度慢、驅動程序陳舊)等等。運營商與用戶應做以下常規檢查:ADSL電話線接頭是否穩妥可靠:是否遠離電源線和大功率電子設備;ADSL入戶線和分離器之間是否安裝電話分機、傳真機、計費器等設備:是否正確安裝分離器;淘汰老式的ISA網卡,換成10/100M的PCI網卡及最新驅動程序;ADSL Modem散熱是否良好;ADSL Modem指示燈狀態是否正常。 ADSL掉線的原因和處理方法如下:
(1)接地線質量問題。 PC接地性能一定要好。否則靜電會影響ADSL的傳輸速率甚至會引起掉線。一般PC接地電阻應小於10Ω。另外,由於施工時電源布放不規范,有的沒有接地線,或地線質量不合格,也會影響網路設備的正常使用,甚至出現掉線問題,應及時整改。
(2)線路有強干擾源。 距離用戶電纜線路100m內的無線電發射塔、電焊機、電車或高壓電力變壓器等強信號干擾源,使用戶下線接收雜波(銅包鋼線屏蔽弱.接收信號能力強),對用戶線引起強干擾。受干擾的信號往往是從無屏蔽的下線部分進入,因為中繼電纜有屏蔽層,干擾影響很小,如果在干擾大的地方用一些帶屏蔽的下線,就會減少因干擾造成的速率不穩定或掉線。另外,電源線不可與ADSL線路並行,以防發生串擾導致ADSL故障。
(3)網卡質量不穩定。 故障現象是網路只要一斷開,再也連不上。用戶Modem的DSL燈常亮,基本排除線路故障,問題多數出在網卡上。如果排除了網線、微機、插槽的問題,一般為網卡質量不穩定,應及時更換網卡。
(4)用戶線路距離遠。 不規則掉線多由線路質量差或距離遠引起,可用ADSL測試儀測試信號衰減和干擾強弱,找出比較好的線路替換。一般用戶中繼線路不應超過5km,從分線箱進入用戶房間的電話下線不應超過100m。
(5)能上網,但電話掉線。 原因多為交接間端子板線卡斷,因斷線頭和端子板距離很近,因此數據感應能通過,而語音過不去;如用戶距局端很近,室內線混線也可造成上述故障。
(6)上網、通話不兼顧。 一般為外線絕緣不良或有接頭接觸不良。用戶端外線絕緣不良,用戶上網時一拿電話手柄告警燈就閃,WAN燈熄滅,修好外線後故障立刻解除。
(7)能通話,但上網掉線。 一般用戶接錯線的情況是把接Modem的線接在話機上,就會出現話機能用,而上網掉線。這時ADSL Modem狀態燈LINE燈不亮。在查故障時應先仔細查看設備使用接線位置,平時盡量少變動,以免接錯線。
(8)錯誤串電話分機。 由於不正確串接電話分機,從而造成串擾,引起上網數據畸變。如果必須使用電話分機,則應串接一個分離器。
602 The port is already open.
This error usually occurs under Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC.
You may also receive this error if you attempt to connect when WinPoET is already connected.
604 Wrong information specified.
You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again.
617 The port or device is already disconnecting.
This error usually occurs under Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC.
618 The port is not open.
This error usually occurs on Windows 95/98 and indicates that there is no dial-up adapter present in the Network applet of the Control Panel. To resolve the problem, remove WinPoET, add a dial-up adapter, and then restart the PC.
619 The port is disconnected.OR The specified port is not connected.
This error could indicate a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Contact your ISP for assistance.
621 Cannot open the phone book file.
This error occurs on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Server. To resolve the problem, go the RAS settings and configure the iVasion PoET adapters for dial-out only.
622 Cannot load the phone book file.
Same as error 621.
623 Cannot find the phone book entry.
Same as error 621.
624 Cannot write the phone book file.
Same as error 621.
625 Invalid information in the phone book.
Same as error 621.
629 The port was disconnected by the remote machine.
You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again.
?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged).
630 The port was disconnected e to hardware failure.
This error occurs if you try to connect when WinPPPoverEthernet.exe is not running or is not fully loaded. Wait a moment and try again.
631 The port was disconnected by the user.
You clicked Cancel on the WinPoET Dialer dialog box.
633 The port is already in use or is not configured for Remote Access dial out.
On Windows 95/98, refer to error number 602 for information.
On Windows NT 4.0, refer to error number 621 for information.
634 Cannot register your computer on the remote network.
You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again.
?OR ?There is a problem with your ISP. Contact them for assistance.
645 Internal authentication error.
Typically, this error occurs if you have not appended your user name with the correct AC-specified context. ?OR ?No dial-up adapter is installed. See Installing the iVasion PoET Adapter for Windows NT.
646 The account is not permitted to log on at this time of day.
Your account is time-restricted. Try again ring your designated time period.
647 The account is disabled.
Your account is disabled. Contact your ISP for assistance.
648 The password has expired.
Your password has expired. Contact your ISP for assistance.
649 The account does not have Remote Access permission.
You probably have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again.
651 Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error.
You may have either incorrectly installed WinPoET or removed the iVasion PoET adapter (in Windows 95/98). Remove WinPoET, restart your PC, and then install WinPoET again.
652 Unrecognized response from the device.
You may have either incorrectly installed WinPoET or removed the iVasion PoET adapter (in Windows 95/98). Remove WinPoET, restart your PC, and then install WinPoET again.
665 The port is not configured for Remote Access.
This error occurs under Windows NT (WKS or SVR). The solution is to go into the RAS settings and configure the iVasion PoET adapters for dial-out only, as well as the TCP/IP protocol only.
678 No Response
691 Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain.
You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again.
692 Hardware failure in port or attached device.
This error occurs if you try to connect when WinPPPoverEthernet.exe is not running or is not fully loaded. Wait a moment and try again.
?OR ?On Windows NT, you may have reinstalled WinPoET without removing the previous installation adapters.
708 The account has expired.
Your account has expired. Contact your ISP for assistance.
711 RasMan initialization failure. Check the event log.
This error may occur on Windows NT. Reapply the Microsoft Windows NT Service Pack.
718 PPP timeout.
You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again.
?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged).
719 PPP terminated by remote machine.
Although a valid connection is detected, it is not working. Contact your ISP for assistance.
720 No PPP control protocols configured.
This error is generated when there is an Access Concentrator (AC) problem with your ISP; contact them for assistance.
721 Remote PPP peer is not responding.
You have entered an incorrect user name or password. Try again.
?OR ?The connection is not valid (for example, the cable is unplugged).
734 The PPP link control protocol has been terminated.
This error occurs on Windows NT if NetBIOS is not installed. In the Network applet of the Control Panel, install the NetBIOS Interface service.
735 The requested address was rejected by the server.
You may have entered an IP address in the phone book entry. Remove the IP address and try again.
739 The remote server cannot use the Windows NT encrypted password.
You may have selected an NT encrypted password in the phone book entry. Clear this check box and try again.
751 Error occurred ring dialing. Error code = 751. Extended error code = 0.
Both dial -up adapters are already in use by other connections.
752 Error occurred ring dialing. Error code = 752. Extended error code = 0.
This error occurs if the TCP/IP bindings have been removed from the Ethernet card. To resolve the problem, restart your computer.
769錯誤,無法連接到指定目標。 網卡禁用。