導航:首頁 > 網路共享 > 網路可以共享資源英語


發布時間:2023-05-14 02:59:06

① 共享的用英語怎麼

與。慧悄汪。。共享用英語怎麼翻譯 share...with..

共享平台用英語怎麼說 共享平台_有道詞典
sharing platform更多釋義>>

共享平台 sharing platform;FULINK;shared platform
調度數據共享平台 Dispatching Data Sharing Platform;dispatching data sharing platform
戰場信息共享平台 Battlefield Information sharing platform

"資源共享"用英文怎麼運彎寫 資源共享:Resource sharing
網路教育信息資源共享管理研究:Network ecation information resources sharing management research

無線網路用英語怎麼說 Wi-Fi or wireless network.

「網路」用英文怎麼說 network

網路攻防 用英語怎麼說 Cyber attack/defense

合理利用網路 用英語怎麼說 make good use of internet

沉迷網路 用英前仔語怎麼說 沉迷網路addicte to Internet.

感謝你的分享用英語怎麼說? thanks for share

② 幫忙翻譯成英文,謝謝! 隨著網路的誕生,資源可以共享了,我們獲得知識也更加便捷了。

With the emergence of the Internet, resources can be shared, we gain knowledge but also more convenient.

③ 網路為英語學習者提供了豐富的學習資源。翻譯成英文

Internet has provided plentiful study resources for english learners !


④ 計算機專業的簡單英語段落翻譯

The most important system software that runs on a computer is the operating system.Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs.Operating systems perfrom basic tasks ,such as recognizing input from the keyboard,sending output to the display screen,keeping trach(錯別字吧) of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such an disk drives and printers.一台計算機上運行的最重要的系統軟體是操作系統,每個通用計算機必須有一個操作系統來運行其他程序。操作系統之行基本任務,例如識別鍵盤輸入的東西,將信息輸出到顯示畫面,保存磁碟上文件和目錄,並控制外圍設備,如一個磁碟驅動器和列印機。

A computer network is a communications system connecting two or more computer that work together to exchange information and share resources .We know some network devices like hub,modem and router etc.The word modem is short for "molator—demolator"Modem convert digital signals to analog signals and vice versa.計算機網路是連接兩個或多個計算機的通訊系統,可以和交換信息和共享資源一起運行。我們知道像集線器,數據機和路由器等一些網路設備,modem(數據機)全稱是"molator—demolator"(「調制器-解調器」)。數據機將數字信號轉換為模擬信號,反之亦然。

Network architecture describes how the network is arrange and how the resources are coordinated and shared. A network can be arranged or configured in several diffirent (錯別字)ways.This arrangement is called the network's topology .The four principal network topologies are star bus ring and hierarchical. 網路架構描述了網路是如何安排以及資源如何被協調和共享的,一個網路可以以多種當時被安排或配置。這種安排被稱為網路的拓撲結構。這四個主要的網路拓撲結構是星形匯流排環和分等級的。

⑤ "網路信息共享"用英文怎麼翻譯

網路信息共享internet information sharing,這個最准確,network有歧義不好。但要注意片語性質和用法,只能當名詞和形容詞哦

⑥ 網際網路能讓世界各地的人們分享信息的英語怎麼寫

The Internet allows people around the world to share information。

⑦ internet是什麼意思

互聯網(英語:internet),又稱網際網路或音譯網際網路、英特網,是網路與網路之間所串連成的龐大網路,這些網路以一組通用的協定相連,形成邏輯上的單一巨大國際網路。這種將計算機網路互相聯接在一起的方法可稱作「網路互聯」,在這基礎上發展出覆蓋全世界的全球性互聯網路稱「互聯網」,即是「互相連接一起的網路」。互聯網並不等同萬維網(World Wide Web),萬維網只是一建基於超文本相互鏈接而成的全球性系統,且是互聯網所能提供的服務其中之一。單獨提起互聯網,一般都是互聯網或接入其中的某網路,有時將其簡稱為網或網路(the Net)可以通訊,社交,網上貿易。


電腦,這個20世紀陌生、新鮮的名詞,如今已經家喻戶曉了。隨著因特爾網的發展,一些不良信息也開始發展的一發不可鍵手塵收拾,導致網路有利有弊,甚至弊大於利。 利——當然是上網查資料,從而解決了生活和稿禪學習上的困難;還有就是,上網可以看一些新聞,了解一些最新的新聞,就不會落伍了! 弊——就是使人走向歧途,沉迷於網路游戲中,無法自拔。而且長期上網會導致視網膜脫落,有些甚至是猝死在電腦前。 所以,要規劃好上網時間,還要上安全網站,不能上有害健康的網站!要控制自我,少娛樂,多學習! Computer, this twentieth century strange, fresh noun, now has a household name. With the development of Internet, some bad information began to develop out of control, leading to the network advantages and disadvantages, and even more harm than good. Lee - of course, the Internet search information, thus solving the life and learning difficulties; there is, the Internet can see some news, to understand some of the latest news, it will not fall behind! Harm - is to make people go astray, addicted to online games, unable to extricate themselves. And long-term Internet will lead to retinal detachment, and some even sudden death in front of the computer. So, to plan the Internet time, but also on a safe site, can not be harmful to the health of the site! To control self, less entertainment, learn more!

⑨ 享用的英文怎麼寫

問題一:享用的英語翻譯 享用 [簡明漢英詞典]
regale on
regale oneself on


問題二:"資源共享"用英文怎麼寫 資源共享:Resource sharing
網路教育信息資源共享管理研究:Network ecation information resources sharing management research

問題三:無線網用英文怎麼寫 1、無線網 Wireless network
WiFi (= wireless fidelity)
abbr. 無線聯網技術
Wi-Fi is short for wireless fidelity.
Wi-Fi是wireless fidelity的縮寫。
The cost to set up this kind of Wi-Fi network is usually less than US$300.
He installed a wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) network in the barbershop to offer customers high-speed wireless Internet access.
adj. 無線的;無線電的
n. 無線電
I heard it on the wireless.
To municate with or send munications by wireless.
He sent the wireless set there to be mended.
n. 忠誠;盡責;精確;保真度
fidelity to the text of the play
Emerald symbolizes fidelity and goodness.
You have invariably been models of courage and fidelity.

問題四:我可以免費享用英文怎麼說 樓上的都是直譯!而且不準確,壓根不通順! 翻譯最主要看你上下文要表達的意思!寫幾個供選擇: 1. I can enjoy it free. 2. It's free for me. 3. It's free of charge to me.

問題五:享受用英語怎麼寫 享受 [xiǎng shòu]
to enjoy (rights, benefits, etc.)
享受不到:without access to|without acce to
享受陽光:Time for Sunshine|Enjoys the sunlight

問題六:讓我們一起分享用英文怎麼寫 Let's share together

問題七:享用你哪賣的飯菜用英語怎麼說 老美口語常用說法,一是直接以 enjoy your meal 表達, 一是借法語的 bon appetit 說法來表達。

⑩ "網路信息共享"英文翻譯是什麼

Internet information sharing (名詞結構)
share Internet information (動詞結構)



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