⑵ 萬物互聯之軟體定義網路的核心功能是什麼
傳統網路中部署 4-7 層服務存在哪些問題呢?用一句話總結,就是 4-7 層服務節點不能和位置解耦,這些節點成為網路拓撲的一個網元,和基本網路部分緊耦合,服務節點的增刪改都會導致網路拓撲發生較大的變化,需要不停地調整網路的配置以適應,導致維護非常困難。其中任何一個節點都容易成為性能瓶頸,而且對於不想過服務節點的流量無法繞開,造成帶寬的浪費,讓本就捉襟見肘的性能更雪上加霜;旁掛方式的問題在於要逐跳配置復雜的策略路由,一旦網路節點增刪改,或者進行服務節點的替換,就需要調整很多策略路由的配置,而且理解困難,又復雜又容易出錯。所以 SDN 服務鏈功能在這里就特別重要了,把園區傳統的通過策略路由方式的復雜引流策略轉換為一種簡單的按需使用,自由編排的引流方式來快速實現。這種通過軟體實現方式可以為用戶提供靈活的、可編程的、彈性的軟硬體一體化解決方案。
萬物互聯的軟體定義網路還有個核心功能是自動部署, SDN 控制器將整網的接入設備配置完全整合變成一份完全相同的配置文件,同時匯聚層設備也進行整合,變成一份相同的配置。這大大簡化預配置文件編寫的復雜度, 使得各層次設備配置模板化,自動部署的成本很難度大大降低,同時也避免了人為誤操作的風險,使得萬物自動部署從理論變成現實。
⑶ 如何理解軟體定義網路的帶寬保障機制
⑷ sdn是什麼意思
SDN(Software Defined Network)即軟體定義網路,是一種網路設計理念,或者一種推倒重來的設計思想。
⑸ 什麼是軟體定義網路
話說最近網路虛擬化(Networking Virtualization,NV)和SDN真實熱得發燙,先談一下我個人的理解和看法。由於沒有實際玩過相應的產品,所以也只是停留在理論階段,而且尚在學習中,有些地方難以理解甚至理解錯誤,因此,特地來和大家交流一下。
早在2009年就出現了SDN(Software Defined Networking)的概念,但最近才開始被眾人所關注,主要還是因為Google跳出來表態其內部數據中心所有網路都開始採用OpenFlow進行控制,將OpenFlow從原本僅是學術性的東西瞬間推到了商用領域。第二個勁爆的消息就是VMWare大手筆12.6個億$收掉了網路虛擬化公司Nicira。
SDN只是一個理念,歸根結底,她是要實現可編程網路,將原本封閉的網路設備控制面(Control Plane)完全拿到「盒子」外邊,由集中的控制器來管理,而該控制器是完全開放的,因此你可以定義任何想實現的機制和協議。比如你不喜歡交換機/路由器自身所內置的TCP協議,希望通過編程的方式對其進行修改,甚至去掉它,完全由另一個控制協議取代也是可以的。正是因為這種開放性,使得網路的發展空間變為無限可能,換句話說,只有你想不到,沒有你做不到。
再來看看NV,為什麼NV會如此火爆,歸根結底還是因為雲計算的崛起。伺服器/存儲虛擬化為雲計算提供了基礎架構支撐,也已經有成熟的產品和解決方案,但你會發現一個問題,即便如此,虛擬機的遷移依然不夠靈活,例如VMWare vMotion可以做到VM在線遷移,EMC VPLEX可以做到雙活站點,但虛擬機的網路(地址、策略、安全、VLAN、ACL等等)依然死死地與物理設備耦合在一起,即便虛擬機從一個子網成功地遷移到另一個子網,但你依然需要改變其IP地址,而這一過程,必然會有停機。另外,很多策略通常也是基於地址的,地址改了,策略有得改,所以依然是手動活,繁雜且易出錯。所以說,要實現Full VM Migration,即不需要更改任何現有配置,把邏輯對象(比如IP地址)與物理網路設備去耦(decouple)才行。這是一個舉例,總而言之,目的就是實現VM Migration Anywhere within the DataCenter non-disruptively,尤其是在雲這樣的多租戶(Multi-tanency)環境里,為每一個租戶提供完整的網路視圖,實現真正的敏捷商務模型,才能吸引更多人投身於雲計算。
SDN不是網路虛擬化的唯一做法,Network overly(mac in mac, ip in ip)的方式也是現在很多公司實際在使用的,比如Microsoft NVGRE、Cisco/VMWare VXLAN、Cisco OTV、Nicira STT等。事實上overly network似乎已經成為NV實現的標准做法,SDN模型下的NV實現目前更多的是在學術、研究領域。新技術總是伴隨大量的競爭者,都想在此分一杯羹,甚至最後成為標准。好戲才剛剛上演,相信會越發精彩。
NV的目標就是如何呈現一個完全的網路給雲環境中的每一個租戶,租戶可能會要求使用任何其希望使用的IP地址段,任何拓撲,當然更不希望在遷移至公共雲的情況下需要更改其原本的IP地址,因為這意味著停機。所以,客戶希望有一個安全且完全隔離的網路環境,保證不會與其他租戶產生沖突。既然vMotion之類的功能能夠讓虛擬機在雲中自由在線漂移,那網路是否也能隨之漂移呢?這里簡單介紹下微軟的Hyper-v networking virtualization,到不是因為技術有多先進,只不過他的實現細節比較公開,而其它公司的具體做法相對封閉,難以舉例。
其實微軟的思路很簡單,就是將原本虛擬機的二層Frame通過NVGRE再次封裝到 IP packet中進行傳輸,使得交換機能夠通過識別NVGRE的Key欄位來判斷數據包的最終目的地。這其實就是一個Network Overlay的做法,它將虛擬網路與物理網路進行了分離。試想,公司A和公司B都遷移到公有雲且就那麼巧,他們的一些虛擬機連接到了同一個物理交換機上,現在的問題是,他們各自的虛擬機原本使用的私有IP段是一樣的,如果沒有VLAN就會導致IP沖突。但現在看來,這已經不是問題,因為虛擬機之間的通信都要通過NVGRE的封裝,而新的IP包在物理網路上傳輸時是走物理地址空間的,而物理地址空間是由雲服務提供者所獨占的,因此不存在IP沖突的情況。
Software-defined networking (SDN) is an approach to computer networking which evolved from work done at UC Berkeley and Stanford University around 2008.[1] SDN allows network administrators to manage network services throughabstraction of lower level functionality. This is done by decoupling the system that makes decisions about where traffic is sent (the control plane) from the underlying systems that forwards traffic to the selected destination (the data plane). The inventors and vendors of these systems claim that this simplifies networking.[2]
SDN requires some method for the control plane to communicate with the data plane. One such mechanism, OpenFlow, is often misunderstood to be equivalent to SDN, but other mechanisms could also fit into the concept. The Open Networking Foundation was founded to promote SDN and OpenFlow, marketing the use of the term cloud computing before it became popular.
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One application of SDN is the infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
This extension means that SDN virtual networking combined with virtual compute (VMs) and virtual storage can emulate elastic resource allocation as if each such enterprise application was written like a Google or Facebook application. In the vast majority of these applications resource allocation is statically mapped in inter process communication (IPC). However if such mapping can be expanded or reced to large (many cores) or small VMs the behavior would be much like one of the purpose built large Internet applications.
Other uses in the consolidated data-center include consolidation of spare capacity stranded in static partition of racks to pods. Pooling these spare capacities results in significant rection of computing resources. Pooling the active resources increases average utilization.
The use of SDN distributed and global edge control also includes the ability to balance load on lots of links leading from the racks to the switching spine of the data-center. Without SDN this task is done using traditional link-state updates that update all locations upon change in any location. Distributed global SDN measurements may extend the cap on the scale of physical clusters. Other data-center uses being listed are distributed application load balancing, distributed fire-walls, and similar adaptations to original networking functions that arise from dynamic, any location or rack allocation of compute resources.
Other uses of SDN in enterprise or carrier managed network services (MNS) address the traditional and geo-distributed campus network. These environments were always challenged by the complexities of moves-adds-changes, mergers & acquisitions, and movement of users. Based on SDN principles, it expected that these identity and policy management challenges could be addressed using global definitions and decoupled from the physical interfaces of the network infrastructure. In place infrastructure on the other hand of potentially thousands of switches and routers can remain intact.
It has been noted that this "overlay" approach raises a high likelihood of inefficiency and low performance by ignoring the characteristics of the underlying infrastructure. Hence, carriers have identified the gaps in overlays and asked for them to be filled by SDN solutions that take traffic, topology, and equipment into account.[7]
SDN deployment models[edit]
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Symmetric vs asymmetric
In an asymmetric model, SDN global information is centralized as much as possible, and edge driving is distributed as much as possible. The considerations behind such an approach are clear, centralization makes global consolidation a lot easier, and distribution lowers SDN traffic aggregation-encapsulation pressures. This model however raises questions regarding the exact relationships between these very different types of SDN elements as far as coherency, scale-out simplicity, and multi-location high-availability, questions which do not come up when using traditional AS based networking models. In a Symmetrically distributed SDN model an effort is applied to increase global information distribution ability, and SDN aggregation performance ability so that the SDN elements are basically one type of component. A group of such elements can form an SDN overlay as long as there is network reachability among any subset.
Floodless vs flood-based
In a flood-based model, a significant amount of the global information sharing is achieved using well known broadcast and multicast mechanisms. This can help make SDN models more Symmetric and it leverages existing transparent bridging principles encapsulated dynamically in order to achieve global awareness and identity learning. One of the downsides of this approach is that as more locations are added, the load per location increases, which degrades scalability. In a FloodLess model, all forwarding is based on global exact match, which is typically achieved using Distributed Hashing and Distributed Caching of SDN lookup tables.
Host-based vs Network-centric
In a host-based model an assumption is made regarding use of SDN in data-centers with lots of virtual machines moving to enable elasticity. Under this assumption the SDN encapsulation processing is already done at the host HyperVisor on behalf of the local virtual machines. This design reces SDN edge traffic pressures and uses "free" processing based on each host spare core capacity. In a NetworkCentric design a clearer demarcation is made between network edge and end points. Such an SDN edge is associated with the access of Top of Rack device and outside the host endpoints. This is a more traditional approach to networking that does not count on end-points to perform any routing function.
Some of the lines between these design models may not be completely sharp. For example in data-centers using compute fabrics "Big" hosts with lots of CPU cards perform also some of the TopOfRack access functions and can concentrate SDN Edge functions on behalf of all the CPU cards in a chassis. This would be both HostBased and NetworkCentric design. There may also be dependency between these design variants, for example a HostBased implementation will typically mandate an Asymmetric centralized Lookup or Orchestration service to help organize a large distribution. Symmetric and FloodLess implementation model would typically mandate in-network SDN aggregation to enable lookup distribution to a reasonable amount of Edge points. Such concentration relies on local OpenFlow interfaces in order to sustain traffic encapsulation pressures.[5] [6]
⑹ win10軟體的公共網路和專用網路怎麼設置
第一步、打開左下角的開始菜單,找到設置第二步、打開設置界面或者按Win+I組合鍵打開設置界面,打開後點擊「網路和Internet」; 第三步、在網路和Internet界面,點擊左側「拔號」(有些是乙太網),在右側窗口點擊「寬頻連接」,選擇高級選項第四步、在高級選項界面,將「查找設備和內容」,設置成「開」的話,網路類型便是「專用網路」;設置成「關」的話,網路類型便是「公用網路」;第五步、設置為「開」就完成了
⑺ 2.1 軟體定義網路的基本架構
ONF 在 SDN 技術白皮書中給出了 SDN 的基本框架。
SDN 北向介面設計:控制器將網路能力封裝後,開放介面,供上層業務調用。RESET API 是 SDN 北向介面的主流設計。(符合 RESET 設計規范的 API (支持,FloodLight,RYU))
FloodLight 的北向介面 API 集合
⑻ 1.3 軟體定義網路的標准化組織機構
一、 SDN 的結構化標准組織
a. 成員組成:
網路設備運營商,網路運營商,晶元供應商,虛擬化廠商,發起 SDN 的主要知名高校(斯坦福大學,加州大學,麻省理工工學院)
b. ONF 的組織架構:
c. ONF 的主要工作:
發表 SDN 白皮書,給出 OpenFlow協議,OF-Config 協議。
b. 依託的三個工作組
Y.FNsdn-fmV 和 Y.FNsdn
⑼ sdn是什麼意思
⑽ 什麼是軟體定義網路
軟體定義網路(簡稱SDN)屬於網路流量控制的下一個步驟。Tech Pro Research發布的調查報告正是以此為中心,旨在為我們展示企業如何使用SDN方案。
Tech Pro Research的這份調查報告整理出以下幾項重要結論:
· 沒有良好的人員培訓,SDN實現亦將無從談起。目前的常見介面通常要求我們擁有對SDN常規開發語言的知識,同時了解如何利用技術優勢實現業務改進。
· 考慮增量式實現,即利用定期關閉與現場解決方案了解SDN是否契合我們的整體基礎設施架構。
· 認真考量並審查SDN是否有助於解決雲服務管理工作、供應商訪問以及隨時/隨地接入的復雜性。
· SDN正在全面普及,雖然普及速度仍然緩慢;不要坐視競爭對手將其轉化為業務優勢,而我們自己仍掙扎於使用命令行以及非統一設備管理方案。