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發布時間:2022-07-09 13:32:31

A. 英語不好怎麼

首先,要學好英語,最關鍵的是要有興趣。俗話說:興趣是最好的老師。教我們英語的是一位 年輕的老師,他講課很風趣,還總是讓我們自己上台講課,演小品。生動的英語教學,讓我對英語產生了濃厚的興趣。




對於理解,我覺得我們應該擴大閱讀的范圍。我們可以看英文報或雜志。在大一時我看的是中英文對照的《英語沙龍》。以後隨著詞彙量的增加,我就開始看英文報。我經常看的是上海星報,shanghai star。這份報紙內容覆蓋廣,且較淺,易懂。在看報紙的時候,我不喜歡逐個字的去查,碰到生詞就猜,遇到好的詞句,就順手抄下來。三年下來,這樣的小小摘錄本我已有好幾本了。總之,看英文報,不僅可以攝取更多的知識,而且可以培養語感,練習閱讀速度。

聽力也是大家頭疼的一個問題。我覺得要提高聽力能力,光用聽力磁帶是不夠的。我們可以採用其他的方法啊!比如我們可以聽英語新聞。我常聽的是上海990的夜間十一點檔播出的live it up shanghai。這個說話節目挺不錯的。當然另一個方法便是去英語角。我是從去年開始上英語角的,在那裡一大群的英語愛好者在一起,大家用英語聊天,發表言論。有時也有機會和老外來個親密接觸。多說多聽,你的聽力和口語的能力就在不知不覺中提高了。到英語角去說,去聽,去感受,你會發現原來講英語並不是一件難事哦!

學英語,也要學會做個有心人。每次看到街上的英文招牌或網上的英文縮寫,你有沒有去想過它的全稱呢?BBS,大家都用過吧,但它的全稱Bulletin Board System 你知道嗎?在報紙上經常看到RMB ,這是什麼的縮寫呢?當然是人民幣的中文縮寫了。還有GDP ,MBA ,MPA 等等。時間長了,你就會發現,原來英語不僅出現在課堂里,它已溶入到了整個社會中了。看看你的衣服,或許上面就有一個你不認識的單詞呢!趕緊學吧!

B. 英語作文怎樣正確使用網路

The computer is one kind of tool, is uses to us, but not plays; The academic society uses the human is a smart person, will only play the human will be the stupid person, you may access the net, to look that the news, the understanding current event, will simultaneously raise itself to study using the network, but plays the game purely, is obtained the more network knowledge oneself. Although the network is a messenger, is also the good teacher and helpful friend who studies, but excessively many surfers can cause the vision to drop, the academic record drops; Serious also has the possibility to create is with one's family broken up and decimated!

C. 如何使用DM 9.57英文版重建分區表油鍋上的螞蟻,急。

您可以到這里看看! http://www.pconline.com.cn/pce/teach/install/system/0210/101475.html

D. 關於重建英語體系的建議 輔導書推薦

那我就直接個你推薦書 《五年高考三年模擬》不錯 語法和常用詞總結的比較全面講解比較細, 我高三復習的時候就用的它做主心骨,效果不錯。配合練習書上也有。 如果想專練就買《維克多英語語法3000題》(好像叫這個名字,我把書賣了記不清了,反正是維克多系列的,它只有練習題)。然後唉,如果你有時間,可以每天做一篇完形兩篇閱讀,提高英語閱讀能力,《黑皮英語》有這方面的專項書。聽力就買《維克多英語聽力專項訓練》聽聽每天堅持一篇,會有提高。恩,就這些吧。

E. 重建英文

rebuild reconstruct redintegrate reedify
reestablish regenerate restoration

F. 英語作文 沒有了網路我們該怎麼辦

Without Internet we won't be able to off other people's essays.

G. 用英語寫如何正確使用網路

As in recent years the popularity of computer and network the rapid development of young people began to contact and use of computers, and many people to the Internet as their leisure is an important part of life. The modern age is the information age, is the Internet era, computer network change people's work, study, living, reading and thinking habits, computer network has brought to people is a vast new space. At the same time, the computer network that the "double-edged sword," the negative impact it deserves our vigilance and attention. Some young friends, but because of excessive absenteeism or delay the work of Internet cafes, and some young friends, watching the pornographic websites affect their physical and mental health, and some use of cyber crime, and some even sudden death at Internet cafes.

How to use the network, how to fully understand the computer network, how to properly use the computer network, how to enhance our ability to judge and analyze how to improve our ability to use and control, how complex and diverse networks and cultural information is not lost? I believe that majority of youngsters from following aspects:

l, the network's flexibility can be mobilized to study and work motivation.

In the teaching process, teachers "teach" and "learning" is a two-way activity. Teachers learn how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students has always been a thorny issue. Currently, some schools deepen the ecational reform, breaking the traditional teaching mode, use of network classroom. So even if teachers are able to abstract the content presentation method and by direct exchanges of students to achieve clear results; also give students the purpose, or random in search of information, generated strong interest in learning, mobilized the enthusiasm of learning. In addition, the flexibility of the network to bring the work of many simple and complex, but also can improve the efficiency and quality.

2, the network can improve the ability of young friends of the hands and independent thinking.

Many youngsters just beginning to learn the computer, not to move the contents of the computer on, with the increase of knowledge to enable them to broaden the way of thinking, learn to identify problems in the use of, and to find ways to solve the problem, so improve the ability of young friends of the hands and independent thinking.

3, the network of information-rich resources to bring easy to learn and work.

Network computer assisted learning software, quality ecation information dynamic, the latest teaching and research achievements, online check national, provincial and municipal policies, documents, online access to journal data, online reading e-books, etc., huge and rich information resources classroom teaching content and an effective complement to the work of reference.

4, fully aware of the negative function of the network is not concive to young people.

Negative function of its main features: First, the network learning environment, the dilution of the parents and teachers, "you are the norm," the ecational role, the young people the value of the complex and diverse culture of lack of information and analysis to judge the correct result, Some young people have been seriously hurt physical and mental health, what is more obsessed with online games while the sudden death e to Internet cafes. Second, the network learning environment, teachers and parents to play down the "person supervisory" role, some young people addicted to the Internet and abandoned by their studies, some because of economic reasons, into crime. Third, fully aware of the dangers of cybercrime. As networks become increasingly in-depth, online information resources has become increasingly diverse, and increasingly in the areas of information widely, many of them large to state secrets, military intelligence, enterprise planning, economic intelligence, small to securities investment, personal credit cards, privacy and other aspects of life. As the network's openness, and network operating system currently existing in the various security holes, making a number of people attempting to illegally obtain confidential criminals from taking advantage. Computer hackers attack networks, steal military secrets, tampering with bank accounts, personal credit card theft, etc. illegal activities have seriously endangered the whole of mankind.

Majority of youngsters from the two sides of things, to understand the network, enabling full use of one hand, to avoid damaging the one hand, against our correct understanding of the network, the correct use of the network, make full use of the network, the network for our learning, work and life services.



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