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發布時間:2022-09-06 01:48:37

㈠ 口碑營銷用英語怎麼說啊

口碑營銷用英語的話,應該是WORD OF MOUTH MARKETING,呵呵,應該是這樣的,想要了解口碑營銷方面的內容嗎?建議你去wenjunseo看看,他們公司在這方面做的還不錯的哦。

㈡ 「口碑的價值」英語怎麼說

如果口語的話 就是word-of-mouth 口碑

如果書面正式語言,就應該是public praise,
the value of public praise(書面)
the value of word-of-mouth(口語)

㈢ 得到良好的口碑用英語

your company is spoken highly in the fashion
your company is thought well in the fashion

㈣ 口碑用英語怎麼說

has a good reputation

㈤ 麻煩各位英語達人幫我翻譯下論文題目「網路口碑對經濟型酒店顧客購買決策的影響研究」~~謝謝啦~~

Research on the Effect of Public Praise on Purchasing Policies of Customers Living in Economy Hotels

㈥ 翻譯為英文(口碑)

Company Name: A well-known Chinese-funded network services or network transactions
Job Name: Senior Search Engine Engineers
Workplace: Hangzhou

1. Understand the needs of refined proct manager;
2. The implementation of demand for the proct search
3. Mole design, development, test and test engineers to collaborate to ensure the code quality;
4. According to the system operational status and operational feedback from continuous optimization of the search user experience; other skills and requirements:
Bachelor degree
More than 5 years relevant working experience;

1. Computer and related professional, undergraate and above; 5 years and above experience in software development;
2. Love the Internet, search engine and search advertising and other related technologies have a deep interest;
3. Proficient in C / C + + language programming, there are Linux / Unix platform experience; to master Perl / Python / Linux Shell Programming is preferred;
4. For the data structure and algorithm design have a more profound understanding; has a good analysis of problems and problem-solving skills, to solve the challenging issues is full of passion.
5. Brave, be good in a short time to learn, master and apply new technologies and new skills; communication skills, strong, strong compression.

㈦ 「網路英語」(網路方面的英語)用英語怎麼說

cyber english

cyber culture(網路文化)

cyber chat(網路聊天)

cyber news(網路新聞)

cyber punk(網路科幻小說),

㈧ 好口碑英文怎麼說~~

well spoken of

The new mayor is well spoken of by the citizens.

㈨ 請問「口碑傳播」用英文怎麼說呢

口碑傳播 = Well known by word of mouth



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