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網路營銷就是以互聯網為主要手段開展的營銷活動。英文名稱有幾種叫法。On-line Marketing、E-Marketing、Internet Marketing

⑵ 網路營銷用英語怎麼

network marketing
cyber marketing

⑶ 電子商務的英文,網路營銷的英文,網路業務的英文

電子商務,英文是Electronic Commerce,簡稱EC
網路營銷,英文:Network Marketing
網路業務,英文:Network Business

⑷ 網路營銷英文

Network Marketing。





什麼是internet marketing英文的最好

Internet Marketing,「網路營銷」可以參考下內容:)~~
Internet marketing team has always taken pride in using up-to-date, competitive, and ethical search engine marketing strategies that really get results for on-line business. Our unique understanding of the inner workings of the web and the strategy required to compete successfully can make your web site a winner.

If your web site is not getting the traffic and making the sales you had hoped,internet marketing services will help make your site a success. Everyday we help web sites, just like yours, successfully compete on the Internet.
Competing successfully on the internet requires strategy. Since each business, market, and web site is unique, each requires it's own strategic marketing plan.

SEO is the foundation of our Internet Marketing services. The search engines base their rankings on many factors. There are some things they like a lot, and some things they don't tolerate.

Internet Marketing,直譯為「網路營銷」。它有廣義和狹義兩種定義。
廣義上,Internet Marketing指企業利用互聯網為滿足用戶需求,實現企業目標而提供產品或服務的一系列經營活動過程。它包括市場調研、產品的目標市場選擇、產品設計、產品開發、營銷組合策略的制定、產品銷售、售後服務、用戶意見反饋、效果評估、策略調整等一系列與市場有關的企業經營活動。英文的定義為:(also known as online marketing) the use of the Internet to disseminate information, communicate with the marketplace, advertise, promote, sell and/or distribute procts or services.

狹義上,Internet Marketing被理解成網站推廣,是等同於Web Promotion或Site Promotion的一種推廣行為。英文的定義為:Methods of using the Internet to promote procts and services, includes site optimization, banner ads and pay-per-click.

Internet Marketing在廣義上是戰略,在狹義上是戰術。
目前網上普遍提到的「網路營銷」大都指的是狹義上的網站推廣,為了區別於狹義的定義,今後我將用「網路市場營銷」這個詞來表示Internet Marketing廣義的意思。

⑹ 電子商務(E-commerce)和網路營銷(E-Marketing)的定義用英文怎麼講

英文的:E-commerce is usually refers to in the world is widely in commercial and trading activities, on the Internet, open network environment, based on the browser/server application modes, both parties, not all business activities to truth, to realize the online shopping, consumer entered into between online trading and on-line electronic payment and various business activities, trading activities, financial activities and related comprehensive service activities, a new type of business operation mode.
網路營銷:網路營銷(On-line Marketing或E-Marketing)就是以國際互聯網路為基礎,利用數字化的信息和網路媒體的交互性來輔助營銷目標實現的一種新型的市場營銷方式。簡單的說,網路營銷就是以互聯網為主要手段進行的,為達到一定營銷目的的營銷活動。
The network Marketing (Marketing or E line On - with international Marketing) is - based On Internet, using digital information and network media interactive to assist Marketing objectives of a new Marketing mode. Say simply, network marketing is with the Internet as the main means to achieve certain of the marketing target marketing campaign.

⑺ 網路營銷英文怎麼翻譯

network marketing或者cyber marketing 很簡單的!!!

⑻ 網路營銷用英文怎麼翻譯

Website sales

⑼ 網路營銷的英文怎麼說

網路營銷network marketing

Long-term since, our company has been committed to the development of the market and the marketing network construction.



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