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⑴ 求助,將一段計算機網路方面的中文翻成英文

Abstract the wide band IP metropolitan area network is uses the TCP/IP agreement to interconnect, take telecommunication network's manipuility, the extendibility as the foundation, gathers the width in the urban scope, narrow band user's turning on, face satisfies the group users (government, enterprise and so on) indivial user visit to each kind of wide band multimedia services (Internet, hypothesized special net and so on) the demand comprehensive broadband networks. this article unifies the author to be engaged in the related work the experience and the experience, according to the science network lamination theory, passes the wide band IP metropolitan area network to the Yingkou iron to carry on the plan and the design, causes it to become a performance finely, to be possible the operation to be possible to manage, may to gain the expandable security sustainable development wide band IP metropolitan area network. this article elaborated the wide band IP metropolitan area network elementary theory knowledge, including wide band IP metropolitan area network basic concept, wide band IP metropolitan area network architecture, wide band IP metropolitan area network network's major technique basic principle as well as technology's good and bad points, wide band IP metropolitan area network network's main turning on technology and suitable scope and so on, wide band IP metropolitan area network overall request, wide band IP metropolitan area network network planning design principle and specification. this article has studied the broadband networks layered structure briefly: Backbone level, gathering level, turning on level. The Yingkou wide band IP city territory data network construction involves the major technique includes: User turning on technology, IP transmission technology, IP route technology and IP allocation and management and so on. key word: IP metropolitan area network; Network planning; Design proposal; The iron passes

Broadband IP MAN is the use of TCP / IP protocol of the Internet up to the telecommunications network, manageability, scalability, based on the framework of the city converged wide and narrow-band user access, user-oriented to meet the Group (Government , enterprise, etc.) of all indivial users of broadband multimedia services (Internet access, VPN, etc.) needs an integrated broadband network.
In this paper, the authors engaged in relevant work experience and experience in accordance with the hierarchical network of scientific theory, broadband IP MAN Tietong Yingkou planning and design, making it a good performance can be managed by operators, could be profitable expansion of the sustainable development of the safety of the broadband IP MAN.
In this paper, broadband IP MAN basic theoretical knowledge, including broadband IP MAN of the basic concepts of IP broadband metropolitan area network architecture, broadband IP MAN of the basic principles of key technologies, as well as their excellent technology shortcomings, broadband IP MAN of the main access technology and its application scope, the overall bandwidth requirements of IP MAN, broadband IP MAN network planning and design principles and technical requirements.
This paper studies the level of the broadband network structures: the backbone layer, aggregation layer, access layer. Yingkou Metro Broadband IP data network involved in the construction of the main technologies include: user access technology, IP transmission technology, IP routing and IP address allocation and management.
Keywords: IP MAN; network planning; design; Tietong

⑵ 《計算機網路》第五版英文版-機械工業出版社 這本書有中文版嗎

你說的是Andrew S. Tanenbaum寫的,機工社出版的那本吧,有中文版的,不過是清華大學出版社出版的,嚴偉、潘愛民翻譯,書號9787302274629

⑶ 計算機網路方面的英文翻譯

封裝. 這個附加的報頭 提供路由信息 使得這個被封裝的

被封裝的分組在隧道端節點間被路由. 封裝分組通過
互聯網時所走的邏輯通道被稱為隧道. 封裝幀抵達通信子網的
目的節點後 就被解封裝 並被轉發到目的終端上
隧道技術包含數據分組封裝 傳送和解封裝的整個過程

傳送網路類型不限 網際網路就是一個公共的互聯網路 同時也是
最廣為人知的互聯網路的一個實例. 除此之外 也有很多
企業網路使用隧道技術通信的例子. 盡管網際網路是最
覆蓋最廣性價比最高的網路之一 本文中提到的網際網路

隧道技術已經出現了一段時間 成熟的技術實例有:基於
IP網路的SNA隧道技術. 當SNA網路流量通過企業IP網路
傳送時 SNA幀被加上IP和UDP報頭

Novell Netware系統使用的基於Ip網路的IPX隧道技術
當一個IPX分組被送往NetWare伺服器 或IPX路由器
伺服器或路由器為IPX分組加UDP和IP報頭 然後把它
發送到IP網路上 目的地的IP-IPX轉換路由器 去掉
UDP和IP報頭 把分組轉發給IPX目的端

近幾年出現了新的隧道技術 本文主要探討這些技術

點對點隧道協議 這個協議可以為IP IPX
和NetBEUI流量加密 並添加IP報頭 通過企業或

第二層隧道協議 L2TP可以為IP IPX NetBEUI
流量加密 然後通過任何支持點對點數據報傳輸
的網路進行傳送 如 IP網路 X.25 幀中繼 ATM

IPsec隧道模式 IPsec隧道模式為IP數據分組加密
並為分組添加IP報頭 然後通過企業或公用網路(如網際網路)

⑷ 在計算機網路中,英文縮寫LAN的中文名是

LAN: local area Network 本地區域網
其他:MAN城域網 WAN廣域網

⑸ 急求計算機網路方面的中英文對照

http://www.ecity.cn 作者:IT英語 來源:學賽網 2008年3月13日 發表評論 進入社區
Local area data networks,normally referred to simply as local area networks or LANs,are used to interconnect distributed communities of computer-based DTEs located within a single building or localized group of buildings.For example,a LAN may be used to interconnect workstations distributed around offices within a single building or a group of buildings such as a university campus.Alternatively,it may be used to interconnect computer-based equipment distributed around a factory or hospital complex[1].Since all the equipment is located within a single establishment,however,LANs are normally installed and maintained by the organization.Hence they are also referred to as private data networks.

The main difference between a communication path established using a LAN and a connection made through a public data network is that a LAN normally offers much higher data transmission rates because of the relatively short physical separations involved[2].In the context of the ISO Reference Model for OSI,however,this difference manifests itself only at the lower network dependent layers.In many instances the higher protocol layers in the reference model are the same for both types of network.

Before describing the structure and operation of the different types of LAN,it is perhaps helpful to first identify some of the selection issues that must be considered.A summary of some of the these issues is given in Fig. 14-5.It should be stressed that this is only a summary;there are also many possible links between the tips of the branches associated with the figure[3].


Most wide area networks,such as the PSTN,use a mesh(sometimes referred to as a network)topology.With LANs,however,the limited physical separation of the subscriber DTEs allows simpler topologies to be used.The four topologies in common use are star,bus,ring and hub.

The most widespread topology for LANs designed to function as data communication subnetworks for the interconnection of local computer-based equipment is the hub topology, which is a variation of the bus and ring[4].This is shown in Fig. 14-6,sometimes it is called hub/tree topology.

2.Transmission media

Twisted pair,coaxial cable and optical fiber are the three main types of transmission medium used for LANs.

3.Medium access control methods

Two techniques have been adopted for use of the medium access control in the LANs.They are carrier-sense-multiple-access with collision detection(CSMA/CD),for bus network topologies,and control token,for use with either bus or ring networks[5].

CSMA / CD is used to control multiple-access networks.Each on the network「listens」 before attempting to send a message,waiting for the「traffic」to clear[6].If two stations try to send their messages at exactly the same time,a「collision」is detected,an both stations are required to「step back」and try later.

Control token is another way of controlling access to a shared transmission medium that is by the use of a control(pertnission)token.This token is passed from one DTE to another according to a defined set of rules understood and adhered to by all DTEs connected to the medium.A DTE may only transmit a frame when it is in possession of the token and,after it has transmined the frame,it passes the token on to allow another DTE to access the tranamission medium.


[1] computer-based是指由計算機控制的,或裝有微處理器的。

[2] that引出表語從句。

[3] 是指區域網的問題之間有很多聯系,如匯流排拓撲結構可以採用雙絞線、同軸電纜和光纖這些傳輸媒體等。

[4] 很少文獻資料提出「集線」拓撲,一般都歸並為星形拓撲之列。

[5] CSMA / CD訪問控制方式,由於集線器和雙絞線的使用,它也用於星形拓撲結構;令牌控制方式用於匯流排拓撲結構時指令牌匯流排網(token bus network)。

[6] traffic:通信量,話務量,clear在通信中為「清0」,拆線,此處指網上通信量為0。

Local Area Network(LAN) 區域網

private data network 專用數據網

topology 拓撲

Public Switched Telephone Network(PSTN) 公用電話交換網

hub 集線器

transmission media 傳輸媒體

Shielded Twisted Pair(STP) 屏蔽雙絞線

Unshielded Twisted pair(UTP) 非屏蔽雙絞線

coaxial cable 同軸電纜

baseband 基帶

broadband 寬頻

optical fiber 光纖

Carrier-Sense-Multiple-Access/Collision Detection(CSMA/CD) 帶有檢測沖突的載波偵聽多路存取

Token 令牌











CSMA/ CD用來控制多路存取網路網路上的每個站點在試圖發送信息前先「偵聽」,等待通路空閑。如果兩個站點在同一時刻要發送信息,將會檢測到沖突,這兩個站點必須各自「後退」一步,以後再重試。


⑹ 「計算機網路」的英文翻譯

Internet 就是互聯網的意思,用它表示計算機網路最合適

⑺ 求計算機網路的基本英文翻譯!!!

their irons, and allowed to sniff
fresh air twice a day

⑻ 幫忙翻譯一下中文(計算機網路方面的):

The present paper has discussed the campus computer network's plan and the design. Along with the computer network communication's swift development and the application unceasing popularization, the campus net is becoming various schools necessary information infrastructure graally, its scale and the application level will be weigh the school teaching and a scientific research synthesis strength important symbol, serves fully using the modern networking for the school administration, the informationization work, the paperless work, let each office carry on the work, the management and the gain school inside and outside information through the campus net, simultaneously can carry on the immediate correspondence and the joint operation through the network, strengthens to the school resources, the teacher and student's full reassignment and the management, may raise the school administration efficiency and the management level.

⑼ 在計算機網路中,英文縮寫WAN的中文名是

wide area network 一種用來實現不同地區的區域網或城域網的互連,可提供不同地區、城市和國家之間的計算機通信的遠程計算機網。

⑽ 急求一篇500字的有關計算機網路的英文,要有中文翻譯。謝謝

Internet now plays a inportant role in our daily life. It brings up updated news,massages,imformations and so on.We can study,have classes and even do shopping through internet. It make our life more convenient than before. With the internet our life become more and more colorful . We can enjoy music,watch TV programes,watch films and have fun in the internet. Though it brings us so much benifit,we still need to use it properly for spending too much time there is harm to our health. 現如今網路已經成為我們生活的一個重要組成部分。它為我們提供最新的資訊,信息,以及其他。我們可以通過網路學習,上課,甚至還可以購物。它讓我們的生活較之以前更方便了。我們可以再網上聽歌,看電視,看電影以及娛樂。 然而即便網路給我們帶來如此多的好處,我們還是要適當的使用它。因為過度上網對我們的健康無益。 追問: 大哥,500字阿 太少搞P用阿 - - 回答: ........對不起啦,我也困了,如果需要的話我明晚幫您寫,如果等不急的話,我也沒辦法,我明天還要上學,我先睡了, 晚安 Zzzz... 追問: 好好,明天再回答。你睡吧 我等你。412269208 加我Q 回答: The computer is widely used in ecation,and some people think teachers do not play important roles in the classroom. To what extend do you agree or disagree? In this period of communication, computer has been used in all kinds of fields widely, and plays a particular role in our lives. Especially computer has become more and more important in ecational field, therefore dozens of people considered teachers could be replaced computers that will go with the current of the times. The above point is certainly wrong; this essay will outline three reasons. From Joozone.com. The main reason is that people's brain better than computer. Firstly, people design all kinds of computer's programs. Secondly, computer doesn't have logistic ideation. Computer only can defend on that designer inputted computer's programs to judge a question's right or wrong. In other words, computer can't defend on thinking that computer independently analyzes a question's right or wrong. In case, designer inputted programs that are wrong. Computer output the result that also will be wrong. If this kind of problem happened in classroom, students would be infused plenty of wrong information. Another reason is that computer's programs designed software of ecation that could be amended difficultly. If software of ecation of bugs were found, commonly these of problems couldn't be solved in the classroom. The software was amended that means total of program were corrected, not only parts of program were inserted or amended usually. Last but not the least reason is computer is mechanical, it couldn't be suited all kinds of students and different demands. As students' intellect is different, same of software couldn't base on every status of student to set a perfect project. In conclusion, computers couldn't instead of the position of teachers in the classroom, however computer is an absolutely good helper for teacher. 追問: 翻譯下啊 我還要中文的 我不會翻譯 回答: 在 計算機 廣泛應用於教育,一些人認為沒有老師在課堂上發揮重要作用。到何種程度你同意或不同意? 在此期間的通訊,計算機已被應用於各種領域廣泛,並發揮在我們生活中的特殊作用。特別是 電腦 已經成為越來越重要,在教育領域,因此,教師數十人認為可以取代電腦,將與當前的時代。上述的當然是錯誤的,這篇文章將闡述三個原因。 最主要的原因是,人們的 大腦 比電腦。首先,人們設計計算機的各種程序。其次,計算機沒有 邏輯思維能力 。電腦只能在該設計師保衛輸入計算機的程序來判斷問題的對錯。換句話說,計算機不能捍衛獨立思想,計算機分析問題的正確或錯誤。在情況下,輸入的 程序設計 是錯誤的。計算機輸出的結果,也將是錯誤的。如果這發生在課堂這類問題,學生將注入大量的錯誤信息。 另一個原因是, 計算機程序設計 的教育可以修改艱軟體。如果 教育軟體 的漏洞被發現,通常這類問題不能得到解決,在課堂上。該軟體進行了修訂,這意味著總計劃得到糾正,不僅在 程序部分 ,插入或修改通常。 最後但並非最不重要的原因是計算機的機械,它不可能適合學生和各種不同的要求。此外,學生的智力是不同的,相同的軟體無法對每一個學生的身份的基礎設置一個完美的項目。 總之,不能代替教師在課堂上的地位電腦,但電腦是教師絕對的好幫手。 希望你能滿意o(∩_∩)o



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