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隨著計算機、網路技術的不斷發展,網路虛擬實驗室得到越來越多的應用。 With the computer, the continuous development of network technology, network virtual laboratory to be more and more applications. 介紹了虛擬實驗室的基本特點及其體系結構,實現虛擬實驗室的四種關鍵技術: Java、ActiveX、VRML、ASP,最後探討了虛擬實驗室開發過程當中應注意的幾個問題。 Introced the basic characteristics of virtual laboratory and its architecture, the realization of virtual laboratory four key technologies: Java, ActiveX, VRML, ASP, the last of the development process of virtual laboratory should pay attention to several problems. 關鍵詞虛擬實驗室遠程教育現代教育技術迅速崛起的現代教育技術把虛擬實驗引入到了實驗教學中。 Key words virtual laboratory of modern ecational technology distance ecation the rapid rise of the modern ecational technology into the virtual experiment experimental teaching. 虛擬實驗的應用改變了傳統的教育模式,使得教與學方式發生了革命性的變化。 Application of virtual experiment to change the traditional mode of ecation and teaching and learning approach makes revolutionary change took place. 目前,用於實驗教學的計算機虛擬實驗軟體非常豐富,加上高校計算機及網路資源,為虛擬實驗的開設提供了必要的基礎條件。 At present, for the experimental teaching of computer software, rich virtual experiment, together with the Universities computer and network resources for the creation of virtual experiments to provide the necessary basic conditions. 通過網路虛擬實驗室,能夠通過計算機在網路中模擬一些實驗現象,它不僅僅能夠提高實驗教學效果,更加重要的是對一些缺乏實驗條件的學生,通過網路同樣能夠身臨其境地觀察實驗現象,甚至和異地的學生合作進行實驗。 Through the network of virtual labs, through computer simulation in the network a number of experimental phenomena, it is not only to improve the effectiveness of experimental teaching, and more importantly, the lack of experimental conditions on some of the students, through the network to feel the same experimental phenomena observed, students in different places and even co-operation and carry out such experiments. 1 網路虛擬實驗室的發展及其特點網路虛擬實驗就是在WEB中創建出一個可視化的環境,其中每一個可視化的物體代表一種實驗對象。 1 of the development of virtual laboratory network and the characteristics of the network is in the WEB virtual experiment to create a visual environment, a visualization of each of these objects on behalf of an experimental object. 通過滑鼠的點擊以及拖曳操作,用戶可以進行虛擬的實驗。 Through mouse clicks and drag and drop operation, users can conct virtual experiments. 網路虛擬實驗實現的基礎是多媒體計算機技術與網路技術的結合。 Network virtual experiment is based on the realization of multi-media computer technology and network technology. 無論是學生還是教師,都可以自由地、無顧慮地隨時進入虛擬實驗室操作儀器,進行各種實驗。 Whether students or teachers, are free and without hesitation to operate at any time to enter the virtual laboratory apparatus, to carry out various experiments. 為實驗類課程的教學改革及遠程教育提供了條件和技術支持。 Experimental curriculum reform and teaching conditions for the provision of distance ecation and technical support. 許多國內外從事實驗室工作的研究者們在實踐中還提出這樣一些概念:Digital Lab、MBL(Micro-computer Based Lab),盡管這些名詞不統一,但他們的實踐從不同的層面實現了虛擬實驗室。 Many at home and abroad to engage in laboratory work in practice, the researchers also proposed the concept of such: Digital Lab, MBL (Micro-computer Based Lab), although these terms are not uniform, but they practice at different levels from a virtual experiment Room. 1.1 印地安那州立大學的MBL化學實驗室該實驗室在給新生開化學實驗課時用計算機來輔助做這樣一些事,用計算機採集與分析實驗數據,用計算機展示實驗,在網上發布相關的實驗指導材料。 1.1 of the Indiana State University chemical laboratory of the MBL laboratory chemistry experiments to open new classes to help with the computer do something with computer acquisition and analysis of experimental data, using computer experiments show that in the relevant online Experimental guidance material. 1.2 芝加哥伊利諾伊大學數字化有機化學實驗室該實驗室充分利用網路資源,在網上提供了一系列的實驗教學指導:在線實驗教材;實驗教學時間表;實驗測評方法、形式、時間;虛擬實驗;相關教學資源的鏈接等。 1.2 University of Illinois at Chicago, the number of the laboratory of organic chemistry lab full use of network resources, the Internet has provided a series of experimental teaching guide: online experimental materials; experimental teaching timetable; experimental evaluation of methods, forms, time; virtual experiments; related to teaching Links and other resources. 他們還用計算機進行實驗教學的教務管理。 They also experiment with computer teaching ecational administration. 1.3 卡羅萊納州立大學的LAAP(Learn Anytime Anywhere Physics)他們利用Java技術建立了基於Web的探索式虛擬物理實驗室,主要有以下幾個模塊:基於Java Applet的虛擬實驗設備和實驗設施;相關的實驗課程模塊;實驗學習結果評價模塊;協作學習模塊。 1.3 Carolina State University LAAP (Learn Anytime Anywhere Physics) using Java technology to build Web-based virtual physics laboratory to explore, mainly in the following moles: Java Applet based virtual laboratory equipment and laboratory facilities; related An experimental course mole; experimental study and the results of the evaluation mole; collaborative learning mole. 虛擬實驗室最大的優點是成本低,效率高。 Virtual Laboratory biggest advantage is low cost, high efficiency. 因為「軟體即為儀器」,這樣就可解決因實驗經費不足或高檔次、高價位設備缺乏所不能開出的實物實驗,同時也不會造成因使用不當,管理不善等因素造成的儀器損壞、元器件丟失等現象。 Because "software is the instrument," and this could be the lack of funds resulting from the experimental or high-grade, high-priced equipment can not be opened by the lack of physical experiments, but also will not lead to a result of improper use caused by such factors as poor management of equipment damage, missing components and so on. 同時虛擬實驗還可以模擬實驗室中沒有的設備,而且還可以不受時空的限制方便地進行實驗。 At the same time, virtual experiments can not simulate the laboratory equipment, but also can be exempted from the restrictions of time and space to easily carry out such experiments. 另外,虛擬實驗室還應具備一些基本特徵:與現實的一致性(或現實的延伸)、高度交互性、實時的信息反饋。 In addition, the virtual laboratory should also have some basic features: the coherence and reality (or an extension of reality), highly interactive, real-time feedback. 2 網路虛擬實驗室體系結構網路虛擬實驗室應是一個集虛擬實驗教學管理系統、實驗課教學指導系統,網路實驗模擬等為一體的功能強大的網上運行系統。 2 Network architecture of Virtual Laboratory Virtual Laboratory should be a set of virtual experiment management system for teaching, laboratory teaching guidance systems, network simulation and so on into a powerful operating system online. 各部分之間相互聯系相互補充,僅具有相對獨立性。 Interlinkages between the various parts of each other, only with relative independence. 開發虛擬環境,實現實驗模擬應是虛擬實驗室建設的核心部分。 The development of a virtual environment, the realization of experimental simulation is a virtual laboratory should be the core of the building. 圖1是虛擬實驗室體系結構圖。 Figure 1 is a virtual laboratory system structure. 3 構建網路虛擬實驗室的關鍵技術目前國內的虛擬實驗室研究還處於萌芽階段,國外已經有很多大學進行了這方面的研究。 3 build a network of key technology of virtual laboratory virtual current laboratory research is still in its infancy, many universities abroad have carried out studies in this area. 總結他們所使用的技術,可以看出大多可以劃分下面幾類: 3.1 Java技術Java是一個廣泛使用的網路編程語言,它是一種新的計算概念。 Summing up their use of technology, we can see that the majority can be divided into the following categories: 3.1 Java technology is a widely used Java web programming language, it is a new computing concept. 首先,作為一種程序設計語言,它簡單、不依賴於機器的結構、具有可移植性、安全性、並且提供了並發的機制、具有很高的性能。 First of all, as a programming language, it is simple, is not dependent on the structure of the machine with portability, security, and provides a mechanism for concurrency, high performance. 其次,它最大限度地利用了網路,Java的小應用程序(applet)可在網路上運行而不受CPU和環境的限制。 Secondly, to maximize the use of its network, Java applets for (applet) can be run on the network without restrictions on CPU and the environment. 另外,Java還提供了豐富的類庫,使程序設計者可以很方便地建立自己的系統,這一點對於構建網上虛擬實驗室系統來說也是非常關鍵的。 In addition, Java also provides a rich class library, so that process designers can easily build their own systems, this point for building a virtual laboratory system is also very crucial. 3.2 ActiveX控制項ActiveX技術允許不同軟體開發的組件在網路上可以互相進行操作。 3.2 ActiveX Controls ActiveX technology allows different software components on the network can operate with each other. Ac?鄄tiveX使用了微軟的組件對象技術使得本地的組件可以和網路上的組件進行通信,使用ActiveX開發的另一個好處在於它的代碼復用性,也就是說在虛擬實驗室的開發過程中,一個實驗儀器可以在多個實驗環境中重復使用,這一點對於持續開發過程尤為重要。 Ac? Juan tiveX use of Microsoft's Component Object technology enables local and network components can be components of the communication, the development of the use of ActiveX Another advantage is that it is code reuse, that is to say in a virtual laboratory development process, an experimental device which can be the environment in a number of experiments re-use, this is particularly important in the process of sustainable development. 這種技術使得一個大的工程項目可以劃分成小塊的組件,也就相當於把復雜工程簡單為一個個組成部分,完成了每個組成部分之後集成起來就可以得到最終的項目。 This technology enables a large project can be divided into small components, it is equivalent to the complexity of the project as a simple component, was completed after each component can be integrated into the final project. 可以開發ActiveX組件的環境有很多,其中開發效率最高和最易上手的是Visual Ba?鄄sic。 ActiveX components can be developed a lot of environment in which to develop the most efficient and most易上手is Visual Ba? Juan sic. 3.3 VRML技術VRML是虛擬實境描述模型語言(Virtual Reality Modeling Language) 的簡稱。 3.3 VRML technology is VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) the short title. 它是描述虛擬環境中場景的一種標准,也是在網上實現虛擬現實的關鍵性技術。 It is described in a virtual environment of a standard scene, but also the Internet to achieve the key technologies of virtual reality. VRML的基本特徵包括分布式、互動式、平台無關、三維、多媒體集成、逼真自然等,被成為「第二代WEB」,已經被越來越多的人們所重視。 The basic feature of VRML, including distributed, interactive, platform-independent, three-dimensional, multi-media integration, life-like nature, was a "second-generation WEB", has been more and more people paying attention to. 國際標准化組織1998年1月正式將其批准為國際標准。 International Organization for Standardization in January 1998 officially approved as international standards. VRML是一種建模語言,其基本目標是建立Internet上的互動式三維多媒體,也就是說,它是用來描述三維物體及其行為的,可以構建虛擬境界。 VRML is a modeling language, its basic goal is to establish a three-dimensional Internet, interactive multimedia, in other words, it is used to describe the three-dimensional objects and their behavior, you can build a virtual realm. 用VRML實現與Internet虛擬現實交互有下面幾個好處:豐富了媒體表現形式、協同工作角色的可視化管理、改善了協同環境的用戶界面、增強了協同環境的交互性。 With the Internet using VRML interactive virtual reality has the following advantages: rich media manifestations, the role of the visual work of management, to improve the collaborative environment of the user interface, enhanced interactive collaborative environment. 可見,將VRML融合到網上虛擬實驗室的開發過程中,既可以增強表現力和用戶的接受力,又可以實現較好的協同工作虛擬化環境。 Can be seen that the VRML into the development of online virtual laboratory process, can enhance performance and user acceptance, but also work together to achieve a better virtual environment. 3.4 ASP技術ASP(Active Server Pages,動態伺服器端網頁),內含在Internet Information Server 3.0及其以上版本中,提供一個伺服器端的腳本環境,用於產生和執行動態、高效率的網路伺服器應用程序。 3.4 ASP technology ASP (Active Server Pages, Dynamic server-side page), including in the Internet Information Server 3.0 and above versions, to provide a server-side scripting environment for the generation and implementation of dynamic and efficient web server applications. ASP不只是動態的網頁,它更是當今眾多的Web應用程序實作方式之一,它負責整個Web應用程序的控制部分。 ASP pages not only dynamic, it is today a large number of Web applications is one of the ways to make, which is responsible for the entire Web application control part. ASP提供五個內建的對象供使用者調用,即Re?鄄quest對象(取得用戶信息)、Response對象(傳送信息給用戶)、Server對象(提供訪問伺服器的方法、屬性)、Application對象(用於多個使用者在多個網頁間共享信息)和Session對象(用於單個使用者在多個網頁間共享信息)。 ASP provides a total of five built-in objects for users to call, that is, Re? Juan quest object (to obtain user information), Response object (to send information to the user), Server object (the server to provide access methods, properties), Application object (with in a variety of users to share information between multiple pages) and the Session object (for indivial users to share information between multiple pages). 4 網路虛擬實驗室開發過程當中應注意的幾個問題計算機軟體技術發展到今天,為虛擬實驗室開發提供了極大的方便。 4 virtual laboratory network development process should pay attention to several issues of the development of computer software technology to today, for the development of virtual laboratory provides great convenience. 目前開發所需的系統軟體或工具均支持面向對象的程序設計。 At present, the development of the necessary system software or tools to support object-oriented programming. 它們都有事件驅動的支持,消息循環的程序設計方法及多媒體操作技術。 They have the support of event-driven news cycle of programming and multimedia skills. 在開發過程當中要注意以下幾個問題:事件觸發時機的選擇,實際操作當中某個按鈕按下後並不立即反映,需要延時回應,外部介面的輸入信號或其它信息往往是定時觸發或隨機觸發的事件,若為隨機觸發的事件則可用一定時限內的隨機數來取代固定時間。 In the development process should pay attention to the following questions: Event trigger timing, the actual operation of them after a button press does not immediately reflect the need to delay response to the external interface of the input signal or other information from time to time is often triggered or random trigger events, if the random trigger events are available for a certain period of time the random number to replace the fixed time. 事件聯鎖關系或動態順序關系可以存放在一張資料庫表中描述,修改方便。 Interlocking relationship between events or dynamic order can be stored in a database table is described, modify convenience. 給定相應的條件、控制范圍,自動形成數據表,使數據和程序獨立。 Given the appropriate conditions, control, data tables automatically, so that an independent data and programs. 模擬聲音,要使實驗達到逼真,除了模擬控制台實物景象,還要模擬它們實驗環境中的各種聲音,如汽笛聲、按鈕按動聲、內部機械動作聲等。 Analog voice, to achieve the realistic experiment, in addition to the physical simulation of the console scene, but also simulation of their experimental sounds in the environment, such as the whistle sound, the sound button pressed, the internal mechanical action, such as sound. 這樣,才能使學生在實驗室有身臨其境的感覺,全身心地投入學習。 In this way can help students in the laboratory are immersive feeling, to fully participate in the study. 模擬檯面各種動作的結果,檯面上每個控制項的動作都會觸發一定的事件。 Simulation results of the table a variety of movements, control the movements of each table will trigger a certain event. 這些事件在實物設備中是靠機械、電子電路等去完成,而現在將這些機械及電子邏輯關系使用計算機軟體實現。 These events in the physical devices by mechanical, electronic circuits, such as to complete, and now to the relationship between mechanical and electronic logic using computer software. 故障發生器,在實際工作中除了設備正常情況下的操作,還有各種意外情況,如某些設備故障的情況。 Fault generator, in practical work in addition to equipment operation under normal circumstances, there are a variety of unforeseen circumstances, such as the failure of some equipment. 此時,要求在虛擬系統中也能模擬手柄失靈、儀表信號不顯示及自然災害發生的情況等,即給實驗增加一些難度,強化學生實際操作能力。 At this point, the request in a virtual simulation system can also handle failures, instrument signals and do not show the case of natural disasters and so on, that is, to increase the difficulty of the experiment, the actual operation to strengthen the capacity of students. 5 結束語虛擬實驗技術在實驗教學中具有廣闊的應用、發展前景,隨著虛擬實驗的普及,其優越性會被越來越多的人認識。 5 Conclusion virtual experiment in teaching experiments have broad applications, development prospects, with the popularity of virtual experiments, and its advantages will be more and more people are aware of. 但要使虛擬實驗技術真正得到推廣應用,關鍵還是觀念的改變,首先是教師觀念的改變,除了具有創新精神和能力外,還應有一個科學的投資理念,在實驗室建設和發展中,充分考慮投資效益,建設現代化的實驗室。 But for the virtual experiment really promote the use of technology, the key is to change the concept, first of all, the concept of change in teachers, in addition to the spirit of innovation and capacity, there should be a scientific concept of investment, construction and development in the laboratory, the full consider the investment returns and building a modern laboratory. 其次要培養一支高素質的實驗隊伍,不斷地進行知識更新,加強學習,重視信息的收集、加工、應用,了解掌握最新技術,促進實驗教學發展。 Second, we must cultivate a high-quality experimental team, continually update their knowledge to enhance learning, importance of information collection, processing, application, understand the latest technology, and promote the development of experimental teaching. 虛擬實驗的應用和發展,加快了實驗室發展和實驗教學改革,促進了教育觀念的改變。 Application of the virtual experiment and development, to accelerate the development and experimental laboratory teaching reform, the promotion of ecation to change attitudes. 是培養創新人才的新的實驗手段。 Is to train innovative talents of the new experimental tools. 虛擬實驗在21世紀實驗教學中必將佔有重要地位,無疑會起到很大的作用。 Virtual experiment experimental teaching in the 21st century will certainly occupy an important position, will undoubtedly play a significant role.

③ 求計算機中英文文獻!十萬火急!


Computer network virus and precautions

With the new network technology and application of the continuous rapid development of the computer network should
Use of becoming increasingly widespread, the role played by the increasingly important computer networks and human
More inseparable from the lives of the community's reliance on them will keep growing. With
With the continuous development of computer technology, the virus has become increasingly complex and senior, the new generation of
Computer viruses make full use of certain commonly used operating systems and application software for protection of the weak low
Spots have rampant in recent years as the popularity of the Internet in the world, will be attached document containing the virus
The situation in the mail has been increasing spread of the virus through the Internet, making the spread of the virus speed
Sharp also increased, by an ever-increasing scope of the infection. Therefore, the protection of the security of computer networks will be
Will become increasingly important.
A computer virus
The definition of computer virus computer virus (Computer Virus) in the "people's republic of China
The computer information system security protection regulations "which has been clearly defined, the virus" refers to the preparation or
Computer program inserted in the damage or destruction of computer data functions, affecting computer use
Self-replication and can a group of computer instructions, or code. "
Second, network virus
With the development of network and the Internet, a wider spread, the greater New harm
The virus emerged This is the Internet virus. The virus is an emerging concept in the traditional
The virus was not classified network virus this concept, because the development of networks, the traditional virus
The network also has a number of characteristics. Today's Internet virus is a broad notion of a
As as long as it is carried out using the Internet to spread destruction can be known as network viruses, such as:
"Love the back door", "Panda burning incense."
Third, network virus and the distinction between computer virus
The original common computer virus is nothing more than the devastating formatted hard drive, delete system
With the users documents, databases, etc. destruction. The mode of transmission is through nothing but also by virus infection
Mutual of the software, carrying the virus, such as the use of pirated optical discs, such as infection disk systems
The pilot virus and infected executable file virus, in addition to a network virus
These are the common characteristics of the virus, but also steal users with remote data, remote control of the other side
Computers and other damaged properties, such as Trojan and consumption of funding the operation of the network computer
Source collapse of the network server worm.
Fourth, the network against virus
Network destructive virus, will directly affect the work of the network, ranging from lowering speed video
Ring for the efficiency of the network, while in the collapse, undermining the server information to a multi-year work destroyed
Dan. Because viruses and other network annually fraud led to economic losses of over 16 billion yuan,
But this figure is constantly rising year by year. The next few years, the size of the market will reach Security
60 billion yuan. One antivirus software experts pointed out: "Network avian flu virus even more." Such as: "Xiong
Cat burning incense "In addition to virus infection through the web site users, the latest virus also through QQ
Loopholes in propagating itself through file-sharing networks, the default sharing, weak password systems, U disk and windows
Forms bottom of the top mobile hard drives, and other means of communication. While LAN once a computer machine
For infection, it can spread through the entire network instant, or even within a very short period of time can be infected
Thousands of computers, can lead to serious networks. Symptoms of poisoning in the performance of computers
There are enforceable. Exe files have become a strange pattern, the pattern shown as "Panda
Burning incense, "and then System blue screen, restart the frequent, hard drive data destruction, serious entire company
All computer LAN will all poisoning. "Panda burning incense," only more than half a month, a few varieties have high
Of more than 50, and the number of its users infected constantly expanding. Makes infected, "Panda burn incense" disease
The personal drug users has been as high as several million people infected with a few more corporate users is rising exponentially. Network
More on the computer network the greater the harm caused by the virus.
V. network transmission of the virus Features
1. Infection fast: single machine environment, the virus can only be passed from one computer diskette
To another, and in the network can be adopted by the rapid spread of network communication mechanism. According to measurement
Set against a typical PC network use in normal circumstances, once a computer workstation sick
Drugs, and will be online within 10 minutes in the several hundreds of all infected computers.
2. Proliferation of a wide range: in the network e to the spread of the virus very quickly and spread to encompass a large area, not only the rapid transmission of all LAN computer, but also through remote workstations virus in一瞬
Inter spread to thousands of miles away.
3. Dissemination in the form of complex and varied: computer viruses in general through the network "
Station server workstation "channels of communication, but in the form of complex and diverse communication.
4. Difficult to completely wipe: the standalone computer virus carriers sometimes can be deleted documents
Or low-level formatted drives, and other measures to eliminate the virus completely, and the network once a computer work
Clean stations failed to disinfect the entire network can be re-infected by the virus, or even just completed removal
The work of a workstation is likely to be on-line by another workstation virus infection. Therefore,
Only workstations in addition to killing viruses, and can not solve the virus harm to the network is.
6, the type of network virus
As the network increasingly developed, the type of network virus has been increasing, generally summed up as
The following categories:
1. Worm
It is the use of the transmission mechanism of replication and dissemination network, the mode of transmission is through the network
And e-mail, the prefix is Worm. For example, in recent years the great harm "Nimda" virus is Demodex
A worm virus. The virus used Microsoft's Windows operating system, computer flu
With this virus, will continue to automatically dial-up Internet access and use information in the document or the address
Sharing network spreads, and ultimately undermine the most important user data.
2. Macro Virus
Hong virus is a Storage in the document or template in the Acer computer virus. The prefix
Macro, once open such documents, which Acer will be implemented, then the virus would Acer
Been enabled transferred to the computer, and in the presence of the Normal template. From then on, all since
The document will be kept moving "infection" that the Hong virus, and if other users opened the flu
Documents with the virus, the Hong virus will be transferred to his computer.
3. Destructive proceres virus
The prefix destructive virus program is: Harm. The characteristics of this virus is a good in itself
Look at the user clicks on icons to temptation, when the user clicks on the virus, the virus will direct users
Computer generated destruction. If C formatted disk (Harm.formatC.f), the killer orders (Harm.
4. System virus
The prefix system for the virus: Win32, PE, Win95, W32, W95, and so on. These viruses
The characteristics of the general public can be infected with the windows operating system *. exe and *. dll file,
And through these documents for dissemination. If the CIH virus.
5. Backdoor virus
Backdoor virus prefix is Backdoor. The total of such virus through network -
Sowing, opened the back door to the system to the user and potential safety problems.
6. Bundling machine virus
Bundled-virus prefix is: Binder. The characteristics of this virus is the virus writers will use
Specific proceres will be bundled with a number of applications such as QQ, IE bundled up on the surface
It is normal to see the paper, when users run these bundled virus, will run these applications on the surface
Proceres, and then tied to the operation of hidden virus, which caused harm to the user. Such as: baled
Tied QQ (Binder.QQPass.QQBin), the system killer (Binder.killsys).
7. Script virus
The virus is usually JavaScript scripting code prepared by the malicious code, prefix is usually
Spript, with the general nature of advertising, will modify your IE Home, modify registry, and other information,
Computer user inconvenience caused.
8. Planting proceres virus virus
This virus is of the public will run from the in vivo release of one or several new
Under the virus to the system directory, by the release of a new virus damage. If the glaciers are sowing
(Dropper.BingHe2.2C), MSN striker (Dropper.Worm.Smibag).
9. Joke virus
The prefix is the virus joke: Joke. Also called prank virus. The characteristics of this virus is itself a nice user clicks on icons to temptation,
When the user clicks of this virus, the virus will be made to disrupt the operation scare users, in fact
The virus did not destroy any computer user. Such as: ghost (Joke.Girlghost) virus.
10. Trojan hacking virus
Trojan its prefix is: Trojan, hackers virus prefix General for Hack. Public special
Sex is through the network or system loopholes into the user's system and hidden, and then leaked to the outside world
User information, hackers virus there is a visual interface to the user's computer remotely
Control. Trojans, hackers often paired virus emerging, Trojan horse virus responsible for the invasive power users
Brain, and hackers virus will be passed to the Trojan horse virus control. . General Trojan such as QQ
News tail Trojan Trojan.QQ3344, there are big Trojan.LMir.PSW.60. Virus Form
A PSW or anything like PWD general said that the virus has stolen password function,
If some hacker programs, such as network梟雄Hack.Nether.Client.
7, the mode of transmission and network anti-virus
Through the above, we can see that e-mail viruses spread Click homepage, users download,
Others implant, implant, and other loopholes through five computer transmission, so long as holding these five
A thoroughfare, we will be able to live better anti-virus network.


隨著各種新的網路技術的不斷應用和迅速發展, 計算機網路的應
用范圍變得越來越廣泛, 所起的作用越來越重要, 計算機網路與人類
的生活更加密不可分, 社會對其的依賴程度也會隨之不斷增長。而隨
著計算機技術的不斷發展, 病毒也變得越來越復雜和高級, 新一代的
點不斷肆虐, 最近幾年隨著網際網路在全球的普及, 將含病毒文件附加
在郵件中的情況不斷增多, 通過網路傳播病毒, 使得病毒的擴散速度
也急驟提高, 受感染的范圍越來越廣。因此, 計算機網路的安全保護將
計算機病毒的定義計算機病毒(Computer Virus)在《中華人民共和
國計算機信息系統安全保護條例》中被明確定義, 病毒「指編制或者在
計算機程序中插入的破壞計算機功能或者破壞數據, 影響計算機使用
隨著網路和Internet 的發展,一個傳播范圍更廣,危害更大的新型
病毒應運而生.這就是網路病毒。網路病毒是一個新興的概念, 在傳統
的病毒分類里沒有網路病毒這個概念, 由於網路的發展, 傳統的病毒
也就具有了一些網路的特性。如今的網路病毒是一個廣義的概念, 一
般只要是利用網路來進行傳播、破壞的都可以被稱為網路病毒, 如:
原先常見的計算機病毒的破壞性無非就是格式化硬碟, 刪除系統
的軟體的互相拷貝, 攜帶病毒的盜版光碟的使用等, 如感染磁碟系統
區的引導型病毒和感染可執行文件的文件型病毒, 而網路病毒除了具
有普通病毒的這些特性外, 還具有遠端竊取用戶數據、遠端控制對方
計算機等破壞特性, 比如特洛伊木馬病毒和消耗網路計算機的運行資
源, 拖垮網路伺服器的蠕蟲病毒。
網路上病毒破壞性大, 將直接影響網路的工作, 輕則降低速度, 影
響工作效率, 重則使網路崩潰, 破壞伺服器信息, 使多年工作毀於一
旦。每年由於病毒等網路欺詐行為導致的經濟損失高達160 億多元,
而且這個數字逐年還在不斷地攀升。未來幾年, 安防市場規模將達到
600 億元。一位殺毒軟體專家指出: 「網路病毒更甚於禽流感」。如: 「熊
貓燒香」除了通過網站帶毒感染用戶之外, 此病毒還會通過QQ 最新
漏洞傳播自身, 通過網路文件共享、默認共享、系統弱口令、U 盤及窗
器感染, 就可以瞬間傳遍整個網路, 甚至在極短時間之內就可以感染
幾千台計算機, 嚴重時可以導致網路癱瘓。中毒症狀表現為電腦中所
有可執行的.exe 文件都變成了一種怪異的圖案, 該圖案顯示為「熊貓
燒香」, 繼而系統藍屏、頻繁重啟、硬碟數據被破壞等, 嚴重的整個公司
區域網內所有電腦會全部中毒。「熊貓燒香」僅半個多月, 變種數已高
達50 多個, 並且其感染用戶的數量不斷擴大。使得感染「熊貓燒香」病
毒的個人用戶已經高達幾百萬, 企業用戶感染數更是成倍上升。網路
上的計算機越多, 網路病毒造成的危害越大。
1.感染速度快: 在單機環境下, 病毒只能通過軟盤從一台計算機
帶到另一台, 而在網路中則可以通過網路通訊機制迅速擴散。根據測
定, 針對一台典型的PC 網路在正常使用情況, 只要有一台工作站有病
毒, 就可在幾十分鍾內將網上的數百台計算機全部感染。
2.擴散面廣: 由於病毒在網路中擴散非常快, 擴散范圍很大, 不但能迅速傳染區域網內所有計算機, 還能通過遠程工作站將病毒在一瞬
3.傳播的形式復雜多樣: 計算機病毒在網路上一般是通過「工作
站伺服器工作站」的途徑進行傳播的, 但傳播的形式復雜多樣。
4.難於徹底清除: 單機上的計算機病毒有時可通過刪除帶毒文件
或低級格式化硬碟等措施將病毒徹底清除, 而網路中只要有一台工作
站未能消毒干凈就可使整個網路重新被病毒感染, 甚至剛剛完成清除
僅對工作站進行病毒殺除, 並不能解決病毒對網路的危害。
由於網路越來越發達, 網路病毒的種類也越來越多, 大體歸納為
它的傳染機理是利用網路進行復制和傳播, 傳染途徑是通過網路
蟲病毒的一種。這一病毒利用了微軟視窗操作系統的漏洞, 計算機感
染這一病毒後, 會不斷自動撥號上網, 並利用文件中的地址信息或者
網路共享進行傳播, 最終破壞用戶的大部分重要數據。
Macro, 一旦打開這樣的文檔, 其中的宏就會被執行, 於是宏病毒就會
被激活, 轉移到計算機上, 並駐留在Normal 模板上。從此以後, 所有自
動保存的文檔都會「感染」上這種宏病毒, 而且如果其他用戶打開了感
染病毒的文檔, 宏病毒又會轉移到他的計算機上。
破壞性程序病毒的前綴是: Harm。這類病毒的特性是本身具有好
看的圖標來誘惑用戶點擊, 當用戶點擊病毒時, 病毒便會直接對用戶
計算機產生破壞。如格式化C 盤(Harm.formatC.f) 、殺手命令(Harm.
Command.Killer) 等。
系統病毒的前綴為:Win32、PE、Win95、W32、W95 等。這些病毒的
一般公有的特性是可以感染windows 操作系統的*.exe 和*.dll 文件,
並通過這些文件進行傳播。如CIH 病毒。
播, 給系統開後門, 給用戶帶來安全隱患。
捆綁機病毒的前綴是: Binder。這類病毒的特性是病毒作者會使用
特定的捆綁程序將病毒與一些應用程序如QQ、IE 捆綁起來, 表面上
看是正常文件, 當用戶運行這些捆綁病毒時, 會表面上運行這些應用
程序, 然後隱藏運行捆綁在一起的病毒, 從而給用戶造成危害。如: 捆
綁QQ(Binder.QQPass.QQBin) 、系統殺手(Binder.killsys) 等。
腳本病毒通常是JavaScript 代碼編寫的惡意代碼, 前綴是通常為
Spript, 一般帶有廣告性質, 會修改您的IE 首頁、修改注冊表等信息,
病毒到系統目錄下, 由釋放出來的新病毒產生破壞。如冰河播種者
(Dropper.BingHe2.2C) 、MSN 射手(Dropper.Worm.Smibag)等。
玩笑病毒的前綴是: Joke。也稱惡作劇病毒。這類病毒的特性是本身具有好看的圖標來誘惑用戶點擊,
當用戶點擊這類病毒時, 病毒會做出各種破壞操作來嚇唬用戶, 其實
病毒並沒有對用戶電腦進行任何破壞。如: 女鬼( Joke.Girlghost) 病毒。
木馬病毒其前綴是: Trojan, 黑客病毒前綴名一般為Hack。公有特
性是通過網路或者系統漏洞進入用戶的系統並隱藏, 然後向外界泄露
用戶信息, 黑客病毒則有一個可視的界面, 能對用戶的電腦進行遠程
控制。木馬、黑客病毒往往是成對出現的, 木馬病毒負責侵入用戶的電
腦, 而黑客病毒則會通過該木馬病毒來進行控制。。一般的木馬如QQ
消息尾巴木馬Trojan.QQ3344, 還有大Trojan.LMir.PSW.60。病毒名中
有PSW或者什麼PWD 之類的一般表示這個病毒有盜取密碼的功能,
一些黑客程序如網路梟雄Hack.Nether.Client 等。

④ 璁$畻鏈烘瘯涓氳捐″栨枃鍙傝冩枃鐚











⑤ 璇烽棶鍒板摢閲屽彲浠ュ厤璐逛笅杞借$畻鏈烘柟闈㈢殑鑻辨枃鏂囩尞鍛


⑥ 鏈夊叧璁$畻鏈虹殑璁烘枃鍙傝冩枃鐚



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手機上顯示滿格信號可網路不好 瀏覽:785
小米貓無法連接網路超時 瀏覽:460
先科a5網路機頂盒密碼 瀏覽:524
