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① 高三英語作文

第一段說的是 以前的中國人都習慣使用現金,舉了過年現金壓歲錢的例子。
其實英文寫作不難,多寫多練多總結你可以野譽談寫的很好, 有問題可以繼續來問 Good luck!
One decade ago, ordinary citizens in China abided with traditional method for merchandise, that we used to paying cash for purchasing goods, especally in retail section. I remember that the joy that I had received 100yuan at cash as a new year blessing from my parents in the new year festival, when I was 10 years old.
However, I have astonishingly discovered that either my parents for whom they haven't taken along their wallets for ages, or my school classmates who only have been using E-pay for every stationary goods they have bought. Ordinary persons , adolescents in particular, favour electronic payment implated in mobile phones because there are a large amount of dicount vouchers that these teenagers can use to remedy their purchase. It is a sort of big help for juveniles for whom our shoping have to rely on parents to some extent.
On the high streets, there are a rare number of stores that refuse E-pay instead of taking cash only and some extreme shops even reject any cash from customers and only accept E-pay.
Based on thses phenomena newly happening in China, I would embrace the common view that Electronic payment will contiune to serve our society positively and I am, personally, advocating the promotion for E-payment.
這是使用「你的語氣」(高三學生)專門為你寫的文章。 有任何問題可以繼續來問 Good luck !

② 英語作文:Turn off Your Mobile Phone

My Opinion on Private Cars
With the increasing of the living standard,more and more people own a car.It's true that a car can do us good.We can drive to work without taking a bus.We can go travelling in our own cars.We can go out by car anytime.In a word,a car makes it convenient to go anywhere.What's more,owning a car,to some degree,means we're rich.Therefore many people dream of having their cars,and work very hard in order to have one.
Hower,there are some disadvantages of a car.First of all,we have to pay a lot of money for it.A car can be very expensive,generally costing ten thousand yuan or more.Second,a car needs gases or petrol.We have to go to the filling stations from time to time.Third,it releases poisonous gases that pollute the air.What's more,too many cars will bring about traffic jams.
To my mind,we should not buy a car.Nowadays the traffic system is perfect.Buses,taxies and underground are everywhere.

③ 你認為大學校園應不應該隨時隨地提供網路為話題寫一篇英語作文



University campus should provide Internet anytime and anywhere. I think it should. This is a trend, not only in universities, but also in most public places in the future, free or low-cost WiFi will be covered. Because this will provide more and more mobile terminals with larger and better existence value, and facilitate people's work, learning and entertainment needs.


Now the society is an information society. If the school provides students with the Internet anytime and anywhere, if they have problems, they can exchange and Study on the Internet at any time. This can increase the enthusiasm of children's learning and increase their knowledge, which is more vivid and effective than reading books.


In China in the 21st century, television has entered thousands of households, but with the development of economy and the improvement of technology, computer has become a new favorite of people in the 21st century. The 21st century is an information age full of competition. Computers make people's study and information exchange more colorful and make the acquisition of knowledge more convenient.

在二十一世紀的中國,電視機已邁入了千家萬戶,但是隨著經濟的發展,技術的提高,電腦在二十一世紀成了人們的新寵兒。 二十一世紀是一個充滿著競爭的信息時代,電腦使人們的學習和信息交流變得更加的豐富多彩,使知識的獲得更加便捷。

④ 求一篇英語作文。《Should students use mobile phone》拜託高手翻譯下了 不勝感激

Nowadays,the number of students who have access to mobile phones is increasing.However,should the students use mobile phones or not?Many people are in disagreement.Some think that mobile phones make it convenient to communicate with others .In addition,if there are anything important,students can be contacted as soon as possible.While others hold the opinion that this has a bad effect on their studies,which distract them.As a result of this,they didn't concentrate on studies in class.As far as I'm concerned,mobile phones have its adventages and disadventages.It's the way we use it that matters.So it is.

⑤ 初中英語作文taking about mobile phone(帶翻譯)

human creativeness is boundless. with the advance of science and technology, a completely new means of communication the mobile phone -- came to the world, which, being not fixed in one place like ordinary phones, greatly facilitates telephone communication.
the mobile phone spreads so rapidly, first businessmen to office workers, then to township enterprise managers,then to journalists and then nowadays to people of all trades and professions. at present,it seems that nowhere we do not hear the musical ringing of the mobile phone. people at first buy phones for convenience and later for fashion. to occupy this increasingly big market, the manufacturers are worrying their brains into making various types of phones, large or small, colorful or black and white, multi-functional or with video cameras,to satisfy the needs. new fashions appear almost every day.
however, it is a great pity that the inventors of the mobile phone did not expect the negative effects caused by their scientific merits. because of the abuse of the mobile phone,aircraft mechanism refuses to work properly, libraries are no longer so quiet, restaurants are filled with noisy phone talk,teaching is incessantly interrupted by the signals.....
隨著科學技術的發展,一種全新的溝通方式行動電話,來到這個世界上的時候,它 不被固定在一個地方不像普通手機,極大地方便電話溝通。
手機傳播如此之快,首先是商人 ,上班族,然後鄉鎮企業經理,然後記者模鄭,然後現旦含頌在各行各業的人。

⑥ 將來internet會怎樣(英語)作文

《未來學家》雜志預測,到2030年,每個人都將擁有一個獨一無二的IP地址,人類將組成一個無所不在的互聯網。而我國專家預測,到2050年,互聯網虛擬大腦將會出現。那麼——未來30年,互聯網將會變成啥樣? 互聯網的「威力 」人們已經有目共睹,然而到了2030年,它又將是什麼樣的呢? 隨著語音對話網路這一技術的成熟,IBM預測,在未來的5年中,人們將能夠使用自己的語音,而不是雙手在互聯網上沖浪,因此也就不再完全局限於用眼睛看或者用鍵盤輸入。IBM公布的最新「未來5年的5項創新」計劃顯示:該公司開發的一種稱為語音對話網路(SpokenWeb)的技術,將使人們通過手機就可以與網頁進行語音交互,從而實現脫離傳統的計算機就能使全球超過10億的新用戶以便宜的價格訪問和使用互聯網。 與網路對話將成現實 IBM中國研究院院長李實恭介紹說,「語音對話網路」類似於一般的網站,但可以通過電話這樣的語音界面對其進行訪問。人們只需在現有的電話網路上說話,就可輕松創建和瀏覽網路,甚至可以進行商務交易。無獨有偶,Google公司正在研發的一項技術,將使你與搜索引擎談話。 「你只要通過聲音就能進行搜索,或者只要通過輸入一些自然語言便能查詢,而不必像現在這樣停下手頭的事情來輸入關鍵字進行搜索。」李實恭表示。 據了解,全世界人口中也只有17%%的人能夠訪問互聯網,不識字和沒有計算機知識是其中的因素之一。因此,語音網頁將為那些沒有可靠網路基礎設施的發展中國家的人們,以及殘障和沒有讀寫能力的人們提供網頁所能提供的所有益處和方便。 互聯網將無處不在 近日,工業和信息化部部長李毅中明確表示,今年年底或明年年初將發放3G牌照。在3G即將開通的大背景下,伴隨著手機和PC平台的融合,移動互聯網的時代將會真正來臨。 「今天的移動互聯網,很多隻是性質單一的移動增值業務,或者只是簡單地將PC平台上的互聯網轉移到手機上來,並不能真正適合移動互聯網用戶的需求。但是,未來的無線互聯網將使用戶從桌面電腦轉向移枝攔明動互聯網,移動互聯網是世界未來的中心。」計世資訊分析師郭暢表示。 未來,當你進入一間旅館的房間時,你的行動電話將立刻獲得包括房間號在內的詳細信息。同時,你的手機可以跟蹤你的公文包、汽車鑰匙和眼鏡上RFID標簽的位置。這並不是幻想而是即將實現的場景。比爾?蓋茨曾經說過未來的世界將會是「計算無處不在」。 「從目前的技術發展趨勢來看,這個夢想一定會實現。將來只要有人類的地方就會有互聯網。我們生活中的許多必需品,如電視、冰箱、洗衣機、微波爐,都將融入互聯網。」一位業內人士指出。 「未來幾年內,互聯網將開始真正從固定互聯網時代走向無線互聯網時代,手機逐漸和筆記本進行融合,無線通訊速率不斷增強,人們可以通過無線電腦設備隨時隨地上網,查詢信息,購買物品和服務,支付虛擬貨幣或銀行資金。」中國科學院虛擬經濟與數據科學研究中心客座研究員劉峰說。 IT市場研究公司IDC的調研數據證實了這一說法,據該公司的調研報告顯示,未來,全球互聯網用戶的人數將成倍增長,並將成為人類生活不可或缺的重要組成部分。目前,全球網民大多通過電腦上網,到2012年,移動上網將成為主要上網方式。預計到2012年,全球移動上網網民達15億人。 互聯網正不斷進化 「互聯網的發展並不是無序和混亂的,互聯網起源和進化的最終目標是為了實現人類大腦的充分聯網,在這一目標的強大拉動力下,互聯網不斷『自覺』向前發展。」劉峰說。 劉峰是較早研究互聯網發展的專家,同時是威客理論和互聯網進化論創始人,他在《互聯網進化的十個問題》中第一次提出互聯網的進化問題。他根據互聯網發展各個階段的不同特點,把它們與人類的進化史相對應,將互聯衡塵網分為七紀。「現在是第四紀,最大的特點就是猛告互聯網度過了信息完全免費共享的時代,知識、智慧、能力、經驗也開始成為商品進行買賣。」 根據目前互聯網進化的速度,劉峰預測2017年左右,互聯網開始全面進入虛擬三維世界,「我們將在虛擬世界中進行商業活動」。 劉峰還預測,到2050年左右,完整的互聯網虛擬大腦將會出現,它和人類大腦的結構會非常相似,互聯網虛擬大腦同樣會包含虛擬神經元、虛擬運動神經系統、虛擬軀體感覺神經系統、虛擬視覺和聽覺神經系統及虛擬記憶系統等。 「這對於我們解決人類大腦的未知之謎將會起到決定作用,通過對比互聯網,預言人的大腦中也會存在地址編碼系統和信息的搜索引擎系統。」劉峰說,「當然,這些預言是否真實還需要接受實踐的考驗。」

⑦ 抱怨移動公司網路的英語作文

Inernet has been an important part in our life.With the help of Inernet we can develop the effective of our study or job.For example ,we can learn more knowledge about the world from the Inernet.And as the youngs in 21st centery,the skill of using the Internet has been the most necessary point for us.But there are risks in it.A lot of youngners lost themselves in the data world and can not catch up with others in study.They'd like to be the best in the games instead of in hard-working.In my own point,I think Internet has more advantages than disadvantages.

⑧ 求一篇英語作文 題目是 positive and negative aspects of a mobile phone

Pros and Cons of Mobile Phones
1. 手機的優點
2. 手機可能產生的副作用答春 3. 我的觀點
A mobile phone, as is the case with many issues, has both positive and negative aspects. One major advantage of a mobile phone is that it allows calls to be made instantly from almost any location. This can be vital where emergency services need to be called to the scene of a crime, accident or fire. Another advantage is its convenience for social or business purposes. A further advantage is that a mobile phone can serve as a connection to the Internet, which can be extremely convenient for obtaining information wherever you may be.
There are, however, also a number of disadvantages to a mobile phone. The fact that a mobile phone allows a person to be contacted at any time can in itself be a disadvantage. The perceived health risks associated with its use can be another disadvantage. Still another disadvantage is the nuisance it can cause at times when the sound of a phone ringing is irritating, such as in the classroom, ring a business meeting or at the theatre.
Therefore, a mobile phone has both benefits and drawbacks, but what we should do is to make full use of its advantages and bypass the disadvantages.

具體參考處鏈接如下,還有其他文章噢 供參考樓主

希望對你有所幫助 記得採納O(∩_∩)O哈!



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